And the cake is...

Day 665, 23:28 Published in Japan Japan by Laurana Psion


Hahaha. It's not a "cake" in the true sense of the word, but that wasn't what I asked. I only mentioned that I had a *bleeeeep*-cake and that you should try and decipher the *bleeeeep*.

Hahahaha. So I guess nobody actually wins!

Nevertheless, this event was quite amusing to me, and even managed to get a mention by our very own oracle. As such, I will be awarding a consolation prize of 1.1 GOLD regardless. Officially, this prize goes to the person who guessed most in line with the true answer, that is, creatively and out of the box, yadayada, blah blah blah. Unofficially, this prize simply goes to the person who's answer was most amusing to me.

As such... *drumrolls*

The winner, with just one short and succint entry, "Yellowcake Uranium":


To all participants, I hope you were at least moderately entertained and thank you for taking part!

If you would like more events such as these, please do comment below. If you would like greater prizes in future, I'm afraid participants would have to pay an entry fee. Please give me some idea of what you think might be an acceptable amount. eg. 1 JPY per submitted answer. Do note of course, that the more you and everyone else pays, the greater your payout if you win! I myself will NOT be taking any cut from the entries if there is a winner. If there is no winner, I will help myself to no more than 5% of the total entry, and the remaining 95% will rollover to the next contest. Consolation prizes however, will be given at my discretion regardless of there being any formal winner.

Good luck in your endeavours! I look forward to hearing from you all!


Laurana "Psi"

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