Questions Posed to the Oracle on Day 662-663 of the New World

Day 664, 22:15 Published in Japan South Korea by Ranger Nietzsche

These are the questions asked of the Oracle and the Prophecies foretold by the Oracle preserved for future generations.

Oracle, who put the bomp in the bomp bomp-bomp bomp-bomp?

He who put the dip in the dip da dip da dip

What sets my mind in motion?

If it is true that cogitas ergo es, then the answer must be tu.

Should I stay or should I go?

If you go there will be trouble, if you stay there will be double. The choice is yours and yours alone.

38, 98, 20, 4.5, -34, 0?

Throwing a mark at the end of a series does not a question make.

Fluberwinter: What's the answer to life in THIS eUniverse?

Four votes good, two votes baaaaad.


141591415914159141591415914159, if you like your circles a little wobbly.

O great Oracle, if we are here, and they are there; supposing the existence of us also allows regeneration of the moon, will we see the folds of the cloak of the one who walks the slowest?

No, for he walks so slowly that his cloak has no folds.

I am as small as an ant but as big as a whale,
I'll aproach like a breeze,
but can come like a gale,
By some i get hit,
but all have shown fear,
i'll dance to the music,
Though i cant hear,
of names i have many names,
i have one,
im as slow as a snail,
But from me you cant run,
What am I???

A shadow of doubt lays over those who ask this question.

How much pie could a piechuck chuck if a piechuck could chuck pie?

In english, pie is non quantifiable. You cannot grammatically chuck 5 pie. Thus he can chucks as much pie as he can, but he still simply chucks pie

What is the meaning of life part 1 & 2

History of the world part 1.

How do i cure this migraine

Put the lime in the coconut, then throw it at your enemies.

What is the flavour of Psi's cake?



Because your mother said so.

Want to pose a question to the Oracle? Ask in eJapan's IRC or post your question in a comment here. Your question may be answered in the next article!