An eCan Christmas Serial - Part 4

Day 1,495, 12:46 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

If you have not read the prior parts, you can find them here:

An eCan Christmas Serial - Part 1
An eCan Christmas Serial - Part 2
An eCan Christmas Serial - Part 3

Please enjoy this short Christmas serial story, featuring some of eCanada’s more notable citizens. The descriptions of the characters reflect how I view them in my minds eye

“Thank you all so very much for coming, I cannot think of a better start to the holiday then this. It’s grand having you all here” I said, before taking a sip of my cider.
“Well Acacia, I think I speak for everyone when I say that an offer of such hospitality from your lovely wife, is an invitation one makes good on, especially this time of year” replied Addy, his face breaking a broad smile as we motioned his hand around the assembled guests.

A quick glance over at Alicia caught her in a state of embarrassment at Addy’s comments, her face quickly becoming as red as the Poinsettia’s in the hall. She was a magical hostess but she was not one who to blow her own horn. Modesty was a trait I found most pleasant in her.

“Its always a two sided coin for me however” said Wilhelm, joining in on the conversation. “As much as I am pleased to be with friends once again this season, I cannot help but think of those who find themselves, this very evening, alone or without the most basic of necessities. Food, shelter, warmth, or friends and family with which to make merry. This is the season of perpetual hope and yet I fear that there are many in our town who are without hope”

Wilhelm was right. It would be foolhardy to assume that everyone was as fortunate as we. There were indeed a great many for whom Christmas was not a time of joy, cheer, and goodwill. For many, it was a season of painful reflection, a cold and stark reminder of just how miserable things had become, a time of fear, grief, and general sadness. For as much as charity could be found and offered, it was but once a year and it was never enough, even when the townsfolk were at their most generous. What then of these same people when the cheer and goodwill of the season has past. What then indeed.

Breaking the silent introspection, Rigour6 said, “I agree with Wilhelm, but more than that, I also find that this time of year, is also a time of remembrance. As much as we think of those less fortunate, my mind is forcibly drawn to moments of quiet reflection where I think of those whom we will not be sharing the season with. One such person that comes to mind is our good friend Marius” his voice trailing off.

Marius had been a fixture at our holiday parties, weddings, and assorted gatherings. His personality was magnetic, quickly drawing in those around him with his wit. Every group of friends has a person whom they know as the court jester. Marius was our jester. There was just something about his sense of timing. It was as if he knew that you were in need of a good laugh, and as such he would dispense with a joke like a physician dispenses with a medication to cure whatever was ailing you.

It had been almost 2 years since Marius had departed us. He had succumb to health issues that had plagued him for some time. He was gone, but on this evening anyway, he was far from forgotten. Just as every retiring ember from the fire wrought its ghost upon the floor, the spirit of Marius was kept in the hearts of those who knew him.

“I do think of Marius at this time of year and I also often find my mind drifting to Tyler Durden as well” said Addy, a note of sadness tinting his normally upbeat tone. “Tyler was and still is a very special part of my success in politics”

It was true. Early on his career, Addy Lawrence had toiled under the watchful and guiding hand of Tyler Durden. For several terms, Tyler had held the post as Mayor. Renowned for his direct and honest approach, you either loved him or loathed him. There was no middle ground, though it was generally the unfortunate political opponent who loathed him the most. During his several terms as Mayor, Tyler brought forth innovative ideas and brazen strategies. He fought hard for the common man, and ensured that elites did not control the political landscape. In short, he was a political maverick, and quickly became the founding father of Conservative policy. Addy soaked up the wisdom of TFD and quickly became one of his most trusted generals. In a sudden and freakish twist of fate, Tyler left this earth. It was a devastating tragedy that shook the town to its core. In some respects it was only fitting that Tyler should see his departure occur as sharp and bright as his entry. Those who knew Tyler best, knew that he did everything at full speed. That he did not fade away into history, was only fitting. Addy Lawrence would later embody the spirit of Tyler Durden and carry the torch of progressive yet conservative thinking into the future.

“I often wonder what might have been, had the hand of fate not snatched him from us so suddenly” Addy continued.
“Indeed Addy, Tyler was and still is a very special part of our town. I don’t see that ever changing. Time may wither the world around us, but the bonds of friendship and memories will be everlasting” said Wilhelm, clearly awash in old memories.
Contemplating my reply I said, “Fate is a strange creature. It gives and it takes. It has taken two of our dearest friends and it has given to us, reason for pause and reflection, especially at this time of the year. I can’t help but wonder however, if fate is once again weaving its magic here again this evening”
“It’s curious Acacia” said Rigour6, “I was just thinking to myself, here we are, collected in the warmth and comfort of your parlor, and instead of indulging, we are reflective of two close friends. How curious that we should all be here this evening looking back on such things.”
“It’s as if a greater agenda is at work” said Kelly with a serious demeanor
“Gentlemen” I said, “We are all men of means, each of us coming from some sort of business or political background, each of us valuable in one way or another independently, but invaluable when you assemble the sum of our parts”

It was becoming clear why we were assembled this evening. This was not just a case of old friends sharing holiday cheer, there was a greater cause. I could see the others starting to comprehend just what I was saying as I continued, “We are all so very blessed to be in good health both in body and mind, and in finance. Yet here we sit reflecting on those with much less than us, and those who have left us. We acknowledge that so many this year will go without” I continued with a greater sense of urgency, a passionate heat building in my words, “The truth is, we have the power to do something extraordinary. To do something that embodies the very spirit of the season itself. Gentlemen, we have the resources to change the course of the future for generations to come, and ensure that the legacy of those we hold most dear in our hearts, are forever etched into the history of our town. Gentlemen, tonight, we give the greatest gift our town has ever had...all I ask is that you join me. Will you take a leap of faith with me blindly?”

To be concluded tomorrow...