An eCan Christmas Serial - Part 2

Day 1,488, 12:37 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

If you have not read the prior parts, you can find them here:
An eCan Christmas Serial - Part 1

Please enjoy this short Christmas serial story, featuring some of eCanada’s more notable citizens. The descriptions of the characters reflect how I view them in my minds eye

Standing in the foyer, to my surprise, was my beautiful wife Alicia. I had met Alicia 16 years prior while studying business. We were introduced to each other at a Christmas party hosted by a mutual friend. It was an unlikely connection. She came from aristocratic old money roots and I was working class stock. She was formally trained and I was working my way through my education. Despite all our difference however, we fell in love and 6 months later we were married. Seeing her standing in the foyer, her shoulder length flaxen blonde hair catching the light from the candles in the hall. Her blue eyes reminded me of the deep blue sea and were one of her most striking features. She was graceful in everything she did and she moved about as if she floated. I often saw her as more of an angel than a person. Her porcelain like skin and gentle manner only added to the appeal.

“What a pleasant surprise...when did you get home?” I asked her
“Mr. Lawrence gave me the afternoon off in light of the holidays. I thought I would come home early and surprise you. I see you brought a guest...what a wonderful surprise Wilhelm”
“Thank you Alicia, Acacia was gracious enough to invite me for a drink and I simply could not refuse a warm glass of your mulled cider on such a cold evening as this” Wilhelm replied
Floating over to Wilhelm, Alicia reached for his top coat and hat,
“let me take those from you. You must be cold, please, make yourself comfortable in the parlour with Acacia while I get some of that Cider you love so much”

Watching her take Wilhelm’s coat and hat, I gave her a smile and winked at her. It was our little way of secretly saying “I love you” when in mixed company or when it would have been inappropriate to share such things. She winked back and gave me a smile in return. I slipped off my coat and gloves, and hung them up next to Wilhelm’s as I prepared to make my way to the parlour.

There was always something magical about the house at Christmas and tonight was no different. Alicia loved to decorate, and she had a keen eye for creating a warm and festive environment without overstating it. Throughout the house were full and aromatic garlands. Their pine scent filling the house with a mellow holiday aroma that quickly reminded you of the season. A mistletoe hung over the doorway to the dining room in hopes of catching an unsuspecting couple while ushering them into a warm embrace and a kiss. In the parlour, the sounds of a crackling fire could be heard as the yule log burned bright, warming the body and soul of all who encircled it. Most welcoming of all however, was the intertwined smell of freshly baking gingerbread and hot mulled cider. Alicia’s gingerbread recipe was a family secret, passed on from one matriarch to another. I had come to enjoy the warm gingerbread cookies and my bulging waistline at the holidays was evidence of my indulgence. Combined with the spiced cider, the mild pine and the crackling yule log, you could not help but feel a sense of peace and comfort when you came in the door.

As Alicia made her way to the kitchen, Wilhelm and I passed down the hall and to the parlour. It seemed as though the wink and smile I got from Alicia was a little more than, “I love you”. To my surprise, sitting by the fire, was my good friend Rigour6 and his lovely wife Caroline. Rigour6 and Caroline had recently given birth to twin boys. It was a most joyous occasion and I had quipped that it was the greatest gift they could have received this season. Rigour6 worked for the local law firm and was a gifted artisan of the spoken word. A larger than life character, his full but well kept black beard was matched by his equally black hair. He had a roundish face and dark eyes that could easily lull an unsuspecting witness into a false sense of security. Dressed in one of his patented three piece suits, he gave off an aura of restrained confidence. His wife Caroline was aglow despite the tiresome challenges of having two young children at home. Her long brown hair was tied back, revealing the full beauty of her delicate features. Soft brown eyes that were reminiscent of those of a doe, could easily melt the iciest of stares. Caroline spent most of her time tending to her young boys but it was anticipated that she would later return to her post as a columnist for the local newspaper. Where her husband was a gifted speaker, Caroline was a gifted writer. On more than one occasion I had coyly suggested she write a book.

“Rigour6, what a great surprise. I had no idea.” I said
“Alicia invited us over a few days ago, she wanted to hold a small gathering...a surprise for you if you will before the big holiday. I see Wilhelm caught up to you”
“Caught up to me” I said inquisitively
Turning to me Wilhelm said, “Ah yes Acacia, I’m afraid our meeting was less chance and more planned. It was actually very well timed that you invited me for a drink otherwise I would had to wait around town for a bit for you to get home first”
Chuckling I said, “So Alicia planned all of this? I am surprised and very happy to have you here. We are going to have fun tonight!”

I did not hear Alicia enter but there she stood with a tray of hot cider and what were surely fresh out of the oven, gingerbread cookies.

“Your going to spoil us” I said with a laugh
“Its Christmas Acacia, this is the time for spoiling and indulging” she replied

With that, she began to pass the glasses of cider and placed the tray of cookies on the table close to the fire. The glass of cider was hot but not overly so. I cupped my hands around it, drawing in its warmth. Lifting the glass to my nose, I inhaled deeply and took in the delicious smells of nutmeg, cinnamon, sugar and apple. It was scintillating and I could not wait to take a sip. Lowering the glass to my lips I was just about to tip back the glass when a knock at the front door interrupted us.

To Be Continued.