An eCan Christmas Serial - Part 3

Day 1,489, 12:47 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

If you have not read the prior parts, you can find them here:

An eCan Christmas Serial - Part 1
An eCan Christmas Serial - Part 2

Please enjoy this short Christmas serial story, featuring some of eCanada’s more notable citizens. The descriptions of the characters reflect how I view them in my minds eye

Alicia made her way to the front door as Rigour6, Caroline, Wilhelm and myself resumed our seats. Glimpsing out the partially frosted window, I noticed the snow had begun to fall even heavier and I questioned to myself, who might be out and traveling in this weather. I was certain that this was going to be another guest arriving at the invitation of my wife. In all the time we have been together, Alicia never ceased to amaze me with her thoughtfulness. Knowing how much I treasured the Christmas season, and spending that time with friends and family, she had planned this evening for me. A gift that carried so many intangibles and yet it would provide memories that would sustain me later in life. I smiled to myself at her thoughtfulness, I loved her more than life itself.

At the door I heard the muffled sounds of voices and laughter. Whoever was here, they had brought along someone else with them. Although I could scarcely make out the voices, I could tell that Alicia was greeting a man and a woman. Who had she invited? I barely had time to ask the question in my mind when two figures along with Alicia, appeared at the parlor door.

He was tall and well dressed. His short cropped hair neatly kept. two small patches of grey had started to take hold at his temples, giving him a stately presence. His dark hair and hazel eyes had a luster to them that made him appear effectual. His face was defined by chiseled features and he wore a five o’clock shadow. He carried himself with a grace and dignity that could only be found in the most polished of public figures. His gregarious personality was perhaps his greatest asset, and the reason I had become such close friends with him. Rising from my chair, I extended my hand to him saying,

“Addy Lawrence...or should I say, Mayor Lawrence...what an honour to have you with us this evening and your lovely fiance as well”

Addy and I had met at a dinner party. Alicia and I were attending as donors to his campaign for Mayor. It was my first such dinner party and to say I felt slightly out of place may have been a gross understatement. Addy however made me feel right at home. Over the course of that evening we shared several stories and several more drinks. By the time the evening had reached its conclusion, we had established a curious bond. Over the course of the next 2 years and change, Addy and I would become fast friends. It was a relationship that meshed well together. Addy was strongly invested in politics and I was firmly entrenched in my business of managing money and property. In that short space of time I had become a person in which he could trust, a confidant of sorts. I enjoyed his company as he did mine.

“And Kelly Mahoney, how nice to see you as well” I said leaning over to give her a friendly hug. “Just a few more months till the wedding no? you both must be very excited”

Kelly was the Yang to Addy’s Yin. Where Addy was the gregarious, larger than life, political figure, Kelly was the grounded, and moderating half of the relationship. They were perfect for each other. If you were looking for the finest pastries and fresh bread in town, you would be looking for “Kelly’s Bakery”. Kelly opened the bakery some time ago and it had quickly become the finest place in town to purchase baked goods. From Custard balls, to Christmas Stollen, to strudel and coffee cake. Fresh breads and sticky buns. Tarts and Pies. Everything was hand made and irresistible. Many a lunch break had been spent staring into the shop window admiring the delectable treats waiting to be purchased and consumed. Even more lunch breaks were spent consuming said treats at the expense of my tailor who would need to let the waist of my pants out. Kelly was truly the “sweetest” girl in town. Soon she and Addy would be married and the sweetest of endings would be had.

“I brought a fruit cake for dessert, I hope you don’t mind. I simply could not come empty handed” said Kelly as she handed the cake to Alicia.
“You shouldn’t have, you don’t need to bring anything but yourself” I said “Please, make yourselves comfortable. Would you like a glass of Cider to warm up?”

As if reading my mind, Alicia headed to the kitchen to prepare two more mugs of cider. The remaining guests had already arose from their seats and the exchanging of pleasantries had begun. It was a curious collection of guests and it was not lost on me how we all fit into each others lives both personally and professionally. I managing money and property had worked with Addy on various property transactions for the town. Those transactions needing legal assistance had led us to work with Rigour6 on several occasions. Wilhelm was a well connected man who, in the course of his own business, was able to refer us to several other individuals who specialized in one thing or another. His connections to the town and its people was priceless. Caroline of course, working for the local newspaper, covered the publicity events and town business. In doing so, she had covered many of the town hall meetings and political events of Mayor Lawrence. Addy of course being the Mayor, and chief head of the town, was the focal point of all things government. Last but not least of course were Kelly and my own wife Alicia. Kelly had indulged us numerous times with her sweets and Alicia of course, worked for Addy as his assistant. As the fire continued to crackle and pop, it was not lost on me just how much clout was in one room. Christmas was a time for miracles and perpetual hope...that we had all been drawn together on this cold and snowy evening, in good health and good spirits, gave me the sensation that something special was going to unfold. Though I could not put my finger on it, I felt it. There was an aura of magic in the air, and the evening had only just begun.

My thoughts were interrupted by the return of Alicia who brought two more mugs of cider. Passing them to our two latest arrivals, and having completed the pleasantries of greetings and introductions, we all gathered in our seats. The fire roared and without a hint of delay, the conversation began.

To Be Continued.