A Short Guide to War: Hospitals

Day 678, 13:21 Published in Australia USA by Chris Stanwick

This is the third and last part of the series of guides on battles and fighting. This issue will deal with hospitals and how to heal after fighting. I hope that it will be of assistance as you navigate your way through your first few weeks or months of eRepublik. Check out the first two parts of this series in this newspaper: Understanding the Battle and Fighting.

The Hospital

In eRepublik, hospitals are a good that can be constructed in a player owned company. Only governments can purchase hospitals, specifically proposed by a country president and ratified by the Congress. Like every other good produced in player owned companies, hospitals can come in five quality levels, each of which gives a player using the hospital an extra ten wellness. Thus, a Q1 hospital can heal a player for 10 wellness and a Q5 hospital can heal a player for 50 wellness. Therefore, most governments will not purchase any hospitals lower than Q5, making the hospital industry a very difficult one to break into as a company owner.

Country presidents propose the purchase and placement of hospitals in-game. Each region may only have one hospital at a time, therefore, when a hospital is placed in a region that already has a hospital, the original hospital is destroyed upon placement of the new one. Most countries will only place a few hospitals in their nation rather than having one in each region due to the high cost of high quality hospitals.

Using the Hospital

Requirements for using a Hospital:
1) You must have already fought at least once the day you are using the hospital.
2) You have not already used the hospital the same day.
3) Your wellness is below 100.
4) Your region has a hospital.

Once you complete your fighting for the day and fulfill the requirements above, you can and should heal at the hospital for no charge. To get to the hospital, either navigate there from the battlefield screen, by clicking “Hospital”, which will take you to your region page, or navigate directly to your region page.

On the region page, a link for “Heal” will be beside the hospital quality icon. Click it to automatically heal the amount of wellness granted by the hospital’s quality level.

Hospital-Fight Chart

If you live in a region with a Q5 (five-star) hospital:
Starting wellness between 40-59: Fight 1 time, then heal
Starting wellness between 60-69: Fight 2 times, then heal
Starting wellness between 70-79: Fight 3 times, then heal
Starting wellness between 80-89: Fight 4 times, then heal
Starting wellness between 90-100: Fight 5 times, then heal

If you live in a region with a Q4 (four-star) hospital:
Starting wellness between 40-69: Fight 1 time, then heal
Starting wellness between 70-79: Fight 2 times, then heal
Starting wellness between 80-89: Fight 3 times, then heal
Starting wellness between 90-100: Fight 4 times, then heal

If you live in a region with a Q3 (three-star) hospital:
Starting wellness between 40-79: Fight 1 time, then heal
Starting wellness between 80-89: Fight 2 times, then heal
Starting wellness between 90-100: Fight 3 times, then heal

If you live in a region with a Q2 (two-star) hospital:
Starting wellness between 40-89: Fight 1 time, then heal
Starting wellness between 90-100: Fight 2 times, then heal

If you live in a region with a Q1 (one-star) hospital:
Starting wellness between 40-100: Fight 1 time, then heal

Fighting and healing at a hospital is the most effective way to maintain high wellness at all times. If you live in a region without a hospital or with a low level hospital, move to a Q5 hospital region as soon as you are able. This was the last part of the series on understanding battles and fighting. I hope that it has proved useful to your understanding of the fighting module. Remember the mechanics that you learned in this series and apply them to make the most of your eRepublik experience. If you enjoyed this article or found it helpful, please vote and subscribe. Thanks.