A Land or A Spirit?

Day 636, 18:30 Published in USA USA by Alex Lawrence
By Alex Lawrence

Current Battle Orders: Fight in Balearic Islands

Do😨 Link

Tutorial for Fighting Against PEACE At the Bottom

A Land or a Spirit?

Harkening back to when this paper was first started, I feel I should include some quotes from a favorite movie of mine.

"A Man for All Seasons" was adapted from a play which detailed the latter years of Sir Thomas More of England's life. What is so fantastic about the movie, besides illuminating an influential and honorable historical figure, is the excellent screenplay (not to mention the great delivery by Paul Scofield, Orson Welles and John Hurt, among others), some of which I would like to share with you all today. I feel these quotes in particular are very apropos in relation to recent events, as well as being applicable to some other erep history.

"Cardinal Wolsey: You're a constant regret to me, Thomas. If you could just see facts flat-on, without that horrible moral squint... With a little common sense you could have made a statesman. "

"Thomas More: I think that when statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead their country by a short route to chaos."

This is the classic and never ending debate between morality and amorality in regards to the governing of the state. If one were to observe this issue like a scientist would under a microscope,
a moral and honor bound style of governing (a la Plato) garners loyalty amongst citizens and allies, but can be hurtsome to the state. If we go down the amoral route (a la Machiavelli), the state has a better chance of survival and raw production potential, but fellowship is left out in the cold.

This is the dilemma that Emerick faced when he plopped down in the President's chair, one that he no doubt was already grappling with, having been in the previous WH administration. With the US down to single digits states-wise, the very existence of the US was/is in jeopardy. Should we fight to the end, and most likely be doomed to diaspora (exile) for months on end? Or should we surrender, in an attempt to rebuild and have a baby boom with the majority of our states under our control, for a price?

Emerick chose logos over pathos, logic over emotion, and decided to *try* to save the material US. Of course no one could have predicted the Russians would show such rapacity and say "we need more than 300 gold per region." BS. Greediness somewhat becomes the Russians, but I digress.

In my own opinion I think Emerick's choice was justified, but against conscience. The US's potential is enormous. The baby booms of France and Hungary would look like fleas in comparison to what a legitimate US baby boom would look like. What's needed is time. There have been several attempts by the US government to start a baby boom, but none have succeeded as of yet. But it only takes one baby boom to get the ball rolling. Without a physical United States, such a baby boom could never happen, and we would have to rely on one of our allies to have one of their own (Greece? Spain? Romania already had theirs...)

Such a physical United States can exist, even with full war continuously raging against us. As long as we retain even one region we can still have that baby boom and come back. Hungary came back from 2 regions against Romania, we can do it against PEACE. Stand and Fight!

War, especially in erepublik, is won through planning and teamwork. Team USA can't function well if its general populace is fighting on the other side and giving away their tax dollars as well. This is why we need to keep fighting in RWs, and keep going to the battlefield, even if we know formal defeat will most likely result. But it's that chance of victory that is worth fighting for.

In conclusion, Emerick's decision was the pragmatic, long term best solution. The money we would give PEACE isn't as bad as Spain's entire treasury, and our economy could potentially make back all that money and more through our taxes relatively quickly. But by surrendering we endanger our relations with our allies and throw out the American spirit. We can always get a home region. What is more important than the body is the Spirit.


The North American War and its bastard children elsewhere have proven that this is an offensive rather than defensive war, and an unjust war. Yes, we've attacked other nations in the past, every neighbor in fact. But hasn't Indonesia? (Where'd Asia go? Oh...) Hasn't Turkey? (Israel and Greece were freed only a month ago) Hasn't Hungary? (The Magyars have a territory on every continent but Africa and South America). The righteous propaganda that flows out of PEACE's mouthpieces is like so much sewage. No one is clean, don't be vain and claim to be a liberator when you've denied the sovereignty and right to a homeland of THOUSANDS of people in the name of security (done politically and militarily).

How to Give PEACE a Hard Time
How can America survive, how can our allies survive against the PEACE gold machine? As I said in my last article, this war cannot truly be won on the battlefield. The fight is for the hearts and minds of the rest of the world. But there's no harm in fighting on the battlefield as well, just to give them a hard time. 🙂

1. Join the Army

The most simple and yet most fundamental thing you can do, by joining the army you actively become a defender of the US. Stop by here and fight which branch is right for you: Link

2. Help the Media Mogul Program

In case you've been living under a rock, the MM program raises money for RWs just by you subscribing to newspapers. Link

3. Join a Resistance Group

For those of you who are too impatient to join the Army, join a Resistance Group. Whereas the Army fights on the front lines in defense of territories, you will be fighting behind the lines, attacking and attempting to set regions free. Two of the most notable (i.e. famous and large) groups who are anti-PEACE are the Sons of Liberty and the Umbrella Corporation (who recently freed Nova Scotia)

4. Move to New Jersey, Florida, or Central Greece

These areas are of critical importance to the war effort. They are fortress regions, holding Q5 hospitals and are major population and economic centers. Central Greece in particular holds the last free high iron region, so if you're a land worker this is where you should be (you produce more, alleviate the American job market, and can still fight in the US from Greece).

5. Take Back the Media!

The war of information is critical to success and morale. If we allow PEACE to flood our own media's top 5 and our allies' as well, people will lose hope and quit or defect. Vote up anything anti-PEACE, and subscribe to friendly papers. Eugene Harlot's paper often gives a list of such news items: Link

Seeing as how he hasn't posted anything in a few days, here's my choices:








Be Persistent, America
Never Give Up, Never Surrender!