How You Can Help Canada

Day 635, 11:31 Published in USA Canada by Jacobi

The war in the United States may soon be over, but that does not mean that the average United States citizen doesn't have a chance to take its revenge on PEACE and fight for liberty and freedom!

Canada is still on the front lines, Canada has not given up and Canada needs the help of patriots in America to reclaim the True North Strong and Free!

Of course, I'm not asking any of you to move to Canada at the moment. Until we can get our economy back up and running again and the high resource regions to support it, there wouldn't be a point and as long as we have an MPP you can help defend us from the comfort of your home.

What we might ask you to do is to think about fighting in Resistance Wars that will be going on from time to time as we slowly and surely take back our country.

Right now, for example, there are two important Resistance Wars going on against the hapless British.

One in Alberta Here

and one in Nova Scotia here

We recommend moving to Northern Ireland as there is a Q5 hospital there, and to fight red 🙂

Can't fight today but want to take action later on?

Subscribe to these newspapers for Canadian orders as they occur:

Canadian National Defense

Ministry of Communication

As always, I am not asking you to not follow your government, and I honor the sacrifices made by Americans so far in this conflict. But if you feel that you want to do more, that you want to keep the fight going and contribute to the successful liberation of Canada from the imperialists, well....

You know where to find us. 🙂

Your Friend,

President of Canada