6 February 2010 (Update) - Mark Morcom Wins 2nd Presidential Term (plus more...)

Day 809, 08:10 Published in South Africa South Africa by Al Kazar
Mark Morcom Wins 2nd Presidential Term

Mark Morcom of the Independent Alternative Party has been re-elected President of eSA for a 2nd term by gaining 70.87% of the votes. The opposing candidates, Zagarius and Champinator, garnered 15.65% and 13.48% of the vote respectively.

Zagarius conceded defeat saying "I would like to offer my congratulations to Mark for wining a second term by a fairly good margin..." (see News to South Africa - Congratulations to the WInner)

A total of 230 votes were cast, which is 51 votes (18.15😵 less than the number of votes cast in January 2010.

In his official victory address the President stated that "I accept this undertaking with a glad heart and prepare myself for the challenges that lay ahead. Thank you for putting your trust in me." (see The Presidency - Thank You South Africa for the full address)

In the same address the President announced most of the Cabinet for his new term, namely Ines Schumacher as Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frank Furglar as Minister of Security, Lazer Fazer as Minister of Finance, Tronyx as Minister of Trade, and jaccil as Minister of Social Development. Enoch Root will hold the post of Reserve Bank Governer.

NEWS FLASH! According to SamGibz, he is now the Minister of Information.

The President has set our national goals as attaining a 10% increase in the economy to a GDP of 1723 Gold, a 12% increase in our population to 1331 citizens, and regaining control of the Western Cape. South Africa achieved its national goals in his last term and it would be a great feather in the nations cap if the President and his Cabinet can lead the country to a repeat of that victory this term.

Brazil Successfully Defends Against Peruvian Invasion

On 5 February 2010, Brazil, with the help of its allies, fended off an invasion by Peru into North of Brazil. Although South Africa was still officially an ally of Brazil for another 4 days the official orders from our President were &quot😉o not fight for BRAZIL!!!!!!!". (see The Presidency - Do not fight for BRAZIL!!!!!!!)

Brazil yesterday also signed an alliance with Indonesia, the previous occupier of some of our regions.

Unfortunately, Arch Bishop Marmaduke (AKA Exilious), possibly for his own ulterior motives, publicised the stats of the battle and highlighted the fact that a number of South Africans had fought on the side of our enemy Brazil. (see Cool Story Chronicles - Traitors, selfish, or Stupid?)

Epic Thoughts, publisher of Articles of Resistance, commented that "Were this coming from any other person, it'd be creditable. But Exilious has time and time again shown his only interest is in harming South Africa. One has only to read comments on numerous articles in the past to see his true intentions." and Frank Furglar, our Minister of Security, basically agreed.

Jazar, of Brazil, thanked South African citizens for their help and many other Brazilians added their thanks to his. (see Sanctuarium - THANK YOU SOUTH AFRICA!)

Al Kazar, publisher of eSANN, remarked that "Hopefully this will not become another bone of contention dividing our wonderful nation. With a new Presidential term and new national goals we need to be united and not allow petty matters to drive a wedge between us."

Ryan Dagari Announces His Exit From Politics

Ryan Dagari. a veteran eSA citizen and party president of the African Dignity Front, yesterday announced his departure from eSA politics.

He stated that "I'm going to be moving out of politics and more towards my friends at the Dignity Brigade" and said he "would like to thank all of those who have made my 531 day stay in eSA as bright, as dark, as interesting, and as memorable as it was". (see The Cape Weekly - Say Goodbye, Dagari)

United Tribes of South Africa and Tigra Tribe Established

The United Tribes of South Africa tribal organization was established on 5 February 2010 and Tigra Tribe, the first member tribe of the UTSA, was also established. (see Tigra Times - Tigra Tribe and UTSA Established)

Ministry of Education Publishes Library List

The Ministry of Education yesterday published a list of links to its educational articles. These include "Citizenship", "Fighting and Healing", "Forum and IRC", etc. These articles are recommended to all new citizens or anyone requiring more information on these topics. (see The Educator - Ministry of Education: Our Library)

Congress Donates 58 Gold to Reserve Bank of South Africa

Yesterday Congress unanimously voted to transfer 58 Gold to the Reserve Bank. (see Law Proposals)

eRepublik Newspaper Article Deleting Bug?
eRepublik provides a Delete option for every article, however there seems to be a bug in the system. After deleting a badly formatted first draft of todays edition of eSANN and posting the edited version, both the old and new posts where listed in the newspaper. Upon then deleting the old incorrect post both posts disappeared. After posting the article again there were now 3 copies of the same post.

After trying a couple more times to delete the extra copies with the same result we are now left with about 5 copies of the same post.

Apologies for this.

Update on Article Deleting Bug?

Have managed to delete all the extra copies by selecting each one in the eRepublik News section and then deleting it. Now there is only the latest one left but when going to the main eSANN newspaper page it now states that "This newspaper does not have any articles". What the....

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