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Vanity, thy name is Nutter

8 Day 1,570, 14:35 Published in South Africa South Africa Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Earlier this afternoon, Mark Morcom published an article in direct retaliation for a discussion that was posted on the Dignity Brigade's private forums.

In said discussion, comments were made about Mark's religion, Christianity. The comments were

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Building Blocks

12 Day 1,535, 15:38 Published in South Africa South Africa Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

With the recent arguments, movements to censure, childish name calling, and the running away of unsuccessful individuals, this country is beginning to realize something.

That we need to grow up.

But the question is always the same, my fellow

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From The Grave

7 Day 1,527, 17:22 Published in South Africa South Africa Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I am returned.

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Johannesburg is ours!

19 Day 833, 23:38 Published in South Africa South Africa

For The Third Republik! For The Black Shield!

For South Africa! For all her allies who stood with her!

Dignity first, you mangy apes! Tonight, we dine in Johannesburg!

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African Dignity

9 Day 819, 05:23 Published in South Africa South Africa

Seems like I'll jump on the band wagon and write a little thank you to everyone who voted for me.

The election in the ADF was a forgone conclusion, being as I was the only one running. However, it's a good feeling, none the less, to wake up and

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