[DoE] September Writing Contest!

Day 2,138, 22:59 Published in USA USA by Department of Citizen Affairs

Announcing the Department of Education's September writing contest!

Inspired by Talostastic's most recent masterpiece, this month's contest is open to both newer players and older citizens, offering prizes for the best parody ePresidential campaign announcements.


eJunior division: Writers must have been born on or after July 1, 2013.

eSenior division: Writers must have been born before July 1, 2013.

Article Guidelines

There are no specific requirements for form or structure other than being about the topic.

You will be judged based on your creativity and writing ability.

Submission Guidelines

Articles must be submitted before 23:59 (eRep time) on October 4.

Submit your article using this form.

You will need to provide a link to the eRepublik newspaper article (or Google document containing your article) you wish to submit for the contest.




Top article (in each division): 10 gold
Honorable mentions (in each division): $1000 each

Results will be announced on Wednesday, October 9.

Have fun!


DoE Writing Contest Committee
Alexandrer Coin

Website: Free information!
Visit our official website here!

American University: Free mentor!
Sign up to receive a mentor here!
Sign up to be a mentor here!

IRC Incentives Program: Free tanks + food!
Visit our IRC channel (#eUSA-DoE) and answer the question of the day to receive a reward of 5 Q7 food!

Open to citizens under level 30.

| Recommended Reading | WHPR | eNPR | President | Interior | Education | Defense | State | CoT | Congress |