20:45 Fourth Update; Day 1101 - Swiss Army News

Day 1,101, 01:20 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Switzerland Armed Forces

Swiss-Polish MPP Approved.

The Swiss Armed Forces thanks the Parliament of Switzerland.

Ctrl+Click for the Pre-Application Form in another Tab

Dateline : Thursday November 25 (Day 1101)
Location: Home for the (American) Holiday
Reporter: Colonel George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

Should conditions change after the initial publication, Col Quigley or myself will edit this same article and change the title to read "Update" with the new time.

Today's available battles: 20:45 Fourth Update
France attacked Saarland, Poland France won.
France attacked North Rhine-Westphalia, Poland
France attacked Hesse, Poland

The Situation: Updated at 20:45
Our MPP partner, Poland, has Resistance Wars going on all over the place, in addition to the straightforward attacks by France on Polish-held territories which are available to us.

If you're following the quests, have a look at the map and see if there's three battles available in South America.

Just a thought.. just in these French-Polish battles, there are 41 eNations who are sure getting a lot of daily fights, that's a LOT of players who are advancing every day, just for having an MPP which gives them the opportunity.

Basic Fight Instructions:
Try to fight towards the end of the 2-hour Mini-Battles (last 20 minutes).
Try to save your last 10 hits for the last 2 minutes.
Do not fight in Mini-Battles in which our MPP allies have a huge lead - save your firepower for later!

Check in IRC channel #eSwiss-Army and #eSwitzerland if you need assistance. Soldiers and Government officials who have some experience hang out there. Or contact the Ministry of the Interior-- Help is their business.

Join the Swiss Armed Forces!
This "Pre-Application Survey Form" is mandatory, as a screening process. We will respond within a day or so, quite likely asking to meet for an interview in an IRC PM or secured room.

One Polish Fighting Platoon

Has more soldiers than the whole Swiss Army.

If you call yourself an eSwiss Patriot, you'll fill out the "Pre-Application Survey Form" and join the Swiss National Army!

Change in eRep Congress Rule
Well, the medal whores can still get their precious ego stroke, but there'll be no more frivolous Proposals being made just for the Experience Points. Of course, this also means there's no XPs for serious Proposals, and the majority of righteous Congressmen are being punished for the acts of the minority jackasses.
I'm pretty sure the Treasure Chest for winning the election has also been eliminated.
Well, these won't be a problem here in Switzerland-- our patriotic citizens run for Parliament to serve the people, and are not interested in medals or XPs or Treasure Chests. Our politicians are serious about doing the job they are being elected to do. They get down to business and make progress, and are taking our nation ahead in great leaps.
As Commander of the Swiss Army, I am absolutely confident that every citizen who sports the uniform of the Swiss Army and also chooses to do double duty by serving our nation in Parliament, are all totally serious players... not a bunch of medal whore ego stroking selfish bit*ches. Social climbers like that not only won't advance in this Army, they'll show themselves to be the inattentive, lazy slackers they are quite soon enough and they'll be shown dirty side of my size 16 boot.

In case you missed them...
The Five-part series introducing your Swiss National Army::One::Two::Three::Four::Five

"Pre-Application Survey Form"

George Armstrong Custer
Colonel, Swiss National Army -|- Editor, the Swiss Armed Forces News
Captain, US Cavalry -|- Editor, the Cavalry Saber
Crabby, Old Bastard -|- Editor, Custer's Stand

Your Swiss Ministry of Interior can help you!
I can't believe this image has linked to this image instead of to the Form all this time, and nobody told me!