[UKPP] - Big Gun PP Interviews - ImmortalD

Day 1,544, 09:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo112
Hello people of the New World now I have an interview with ImmortalD another UKPP PP hopeful and runner-up in the recent CP elections. Angela Williams will be interviewed by GTorge: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ukpp-ukpp-pp-big-gun-interview-angela-williams-1965772/1/20
Welcome to the interview room, take a seat, water and cookies are to your left. Made by ApronChef

Thank you.

Why are you going for Party President in these troublesome times?

As an active member of the UKPP, I enjoy seeing our party do so well, especially under such trying conditions, however, it's no secret that our number of active members, on the Forums or on IRC is rather low. This is my primary reason for running as Party President

You came second last time in the CP elections, how do you feel and how have you learnt from it, are you ready for the times ahead?

Honestly, I feel really hopeful about our progress at the last CP elections, it was no surprise that I lost, but I expected a whitewash, instead we had good support and even though we were 5 parties to 1 against, we did manage to vote to nearly 2:1. In the process, I've learnt that it was hard for people to associate with me seeing as though they felt as if they didn't know me. To that extent, I hope to, within the next month, increase my social awareness among the eUK.

What would you say are your biggest achievements in the game?

To date, my biggest achievement is obtaining Media Manager for the UKPP, closely followed are coming second in the CP elections and becoming Regiment Captain of the Second Division in our MU [Royal Navy].

In the Manifesto you wrote, lots of the comments involved no one knowing you, how will you change this for the PP elections?

Initially, it's simply to get my name around on the main eUK forums; from there it'll be a careful balancing act of co-ordinating conversations with people in other parties and time management of my real life situations.

Do you think we will win CP elections under your leadership, Why?

It's hard to say, Should we get another month like the last one, I can see a lot of people becoming fed up our current government, if that happens, we'd be in a prime position to take over, especially considering the last result.

What do you think you can bring to the UKPP as Party President, the fastest growing Party in the eUK?

If elected Party President, I hope to bring a fresh face, and with it, new ideas, plans and future scope for larger and better things. In total I'd like to see a UKPP that's more active than it is now, not necessarily just having large numbers of members.

Any final comments?

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who voted for me in the Country Presidency elections again and to say that win or lose, it is an honour to be in this party.

Thanks for the Interview

No problem

His Manifesto can be found here:

Thank you for reading, remember to vote, comment and subscribe,
Remember to read Angela Williams Interview here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ukpp-ukpp-pp-big-gun-interview-angela-williams-1965772/1/20

Sambo112 & GTorge