[UKPP] Party Presidency Primary Election Candidate Manifesto

Day 1,544, 07:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ImmortalD
Immortal😨 http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1288034

Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone who showed up and voted in the Country Presidency Elections, especially those of you who voted for me. Even though we were outnumbered 5 parties to 1; we managed to draw the votes to nearly 2:1, showing the eUK our potential is stronger than ever.

The Royal Navy, our Military Unit, is also stronger than ever, but we have a disparity between the number of members in the RN (201) and those in the UKPP (185), showing that not all of the people in the RN are actually members of the UKPP.

I propose a mentoring program, much like my counterpart Angela Williams offers, where current members of the UKPP will be asked to pair up with as many newbies as they like (up to a maximum of 5); for each newbie they mentor, they will get an additional 10GBP per week (that's 50GBP extra in total) as well as the satisfaction of knowing they've helped a newbie and showed them the ropes.

As you well know, I am the current Media Manager for the UKPP and I hope my weekly articles on the situation of the eUK and our party's influence in our home country has shown itself to be a profitable and useful endeavour.

I promote activeness in members, both OldFag and NewFag alike, and if elected, I propose to introduce new measures to increase this activity, both on the Forums and on the IRC chatroom.

I also promote our Saltpeter program and am currently in it myself, I intend to keep this program in place and well-equipped with good money so that in time, all of the UKPP can join in.

I also know that our Media needs work, I'm not perfect, and am only one person, especially when you consider Real-life when it rears its head, however, if elected, I promise to ensure a good team of Media Personell to promote and report the UKPP and its intentions within the eUK.

It has been an interesting month, filled with ups and downs, most of which is the fact that we have remained wiped without so much as a token effort to regain our lands.

Our Public Relationships both at home and overseas is poor, the UKPP is normally the butt of other parties' jokes and the dark horse, the outsider. I intend to improve relationships with our nearest neighbours first, our country parties; only then, and with time can we improve our standing in the overseas market.

I'm young at electoral positions, I haven't yet really been able to make much headway into that area, however, I believe in myself and my ability, with your help, I hope to propel the UKPP into new and greater heights.

At the same time, I also want to hear what YOU, the people have to say, so I wish to make it clear that, if elected, I promise to be open to any suggestion from any member of the UKPP, be they OldFag, NewFag, RedFag, or BlueFag (or even a cigarette fag {/Rimshot}.)

Vote ImmortalD for a new, brighter future; and remember: "A moment of brilliance can change the World, all it needs is for someone to take the first step." Unknown Author