[UKPP] - UKPP PP Big Gun Interview - Angela Williams

Day 1,544, 08:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GTorge

Hello UKPP,
Sambo112 and I have had exclusive interviews with the Big Guns of the UKPP PP Elections. These are the future leaders of the UKPP. Without further ado, the interview.

Hello AW, thank you for taking time out to answer some questions
That’s okay thanks for having me

Why are you going for Party President in these troublesome times?
I think in these times the PP has a lot to do to improve the party during its rapid growth. As I have been PP during the huge growth I know what the people want and how to cope with the demands of the masses. I think I would be a strong and effective PP

With being elected PP last term, do you feel your experience will serve you well this month?
Most definitely my manifesto has been shaped by what I have learnt and what didn't work well last month. Being a former PP is a huge advantage one which I hope to put to good use.

Your last term was very successful; do you think you could have an even more successful term this time around?
Personally I think I did a poor job. The only thing you could say happened in my term was the huge increase in members and activity. This term I hope I can. Hold a better foundation for the next PP to take over and build on. I have a lot more to offer the eUK and the party; I hope I will serve you all well.

What would you say are your biggest achievements in the game?
Being PP was a huge honour one I wish to continue, as well as getting a massive 42 votes in a congress election for Scotland. I feel I have a lot more to give and I hope I will have many more achieve at achievements to add to my list.

Do you think we will win CP elections under your leadership, why?
CP elections rest less with the PP and more with the CP candidate, I feel I have a better way to run the elections as I did previously. It is hard to say but under my leadership we came second with quite a lot of votes considering it was only us. So I wouldn't like to judge how well we will do but I can say we be a lot more prepared than our last CP election.

What do you think you can bring to the UKPP as Party President, the fastest growing Party in the eUK?
I can bring a collection of great people and great ideas in democratic union. I hope to bring players together politically, militarily, economically and as friends. With ideas like the mentoring system and better forums and media all to improve the feel of the UKPP and its efficiency.

Any final comments?
I would like to thank all Members of the UKPP for their loyal support. I would like to thank them for a great environment as my first ever PP term comes to an end and I would be honoured if I was selected to lead another. A good leader listens to the people he is leading.

Thanks a lot AW for the interview
No problem

Her Manifesto can be found here

Thanks for reading,

GTorge & Sambo112

ImmortalD's Interview can be found here,
ImmortalD's Interview