[ukGov]The Kings Speech, Among Others

Day 1,585, 13:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office


Military Recruitment Begins Now

This week, the Minister of Home Affairs has begun it's push to recruit for the new old new National Military. As Talon had said when he took office, he wanted to restart a branch for the lower ranked players, rather than having them funneled into private MU's, as it's easier to keep up on costs that way. We're going to be PMing all Military Units (so don't baw when your members get a PM please) about the new Military. In short, it says:

We know you left because supplies weren't good, but we're back, and anyone who joins, and works in our companies will get a minimum of 20 tanks per day, along with bonuses for showing up on IRC for strikes.

We're pushing hard to outsupply everyone, in case you were wondering, as we'd like to actually increase focused damage, rather than letting everyone fight wherever they want.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message Greatmoff about the new system.

Next Ask the Gov / Prime Minister Questions

We'll be holding our next PMQ's on Wednesday, March 28th (Day 1590) at 19:00 GMT (1200 Erep time) in #mentoring on Rizon's IRC server. Anyone is welcome to join and ask the variety of UK Ministers and Prime Minister a question. It will be moderated the same way as last time. If you cannot make it, but wish to ask a question, please feel free to send us a message here at the Home Office.

We'll also be holding the first "Resistance" meeting for those who wish to depose our new King, so if you're serious about removing him, I'd suggest attending.

An Address from the King

Subjects. I write to you in bright times. The UK might be without a congress, largely occupied, and governed by COMMUNISTS, but fear not. You have a new king. The old royal family, full of friendly, useful and generally competent people is no more. In its place, I have selected the people I most closely believe reflect what I am as a monarch.

Put simply, I am pleased to welcome the following PATRIOTS to our new, improved and flashy dressing royal family. So please, welcome;

GLaDOS, Grand Duke of Valhalla
Dishmcds, Royal Viscount of Mexico
jamesw, King, stop complaining
Steeev, Arshbishop of johnobrowism
Artela, Queen of Wales, and First Lord of Citizenship.

I am sure you will agree, our new royal family is full of friendly, popular, and generally british patriots. The fact they are the only people to have stood against the most god awful royal imposter known to man for the office of jamesw's plaything is of course, incidental, and did not factor into the decision making process I made up when deciding.

Lots of love,
HRH jamesw

Should you wish to join this esteemed group, you can:
drop me a line in Platoland
Drop me a line in the land of UKPP oppression
Or alternatively, seek me in the new royal palace, #nojamesw found on the Rizon IRC server.


- If you're a new player and you're trying to get your head around the game, maybe you have a question you'd like answered, and would like some friendly advice then PM us at eUK Home Office and you will be contacted shortly.

-If you're a new player you may qualify for free food. Follow this link and post in the threads advertising food schemes there.

-If you're looking to help out this month, or take part in shaping what the eUK is going to do, we're still open to take applications. Simply post here or PM Dishmcds.

Remember to keep up with the Military news by reading and subscribing to the MoD newspaper here.

Keep an eye out on all the other government articles by subscribing to them using the links below.
Tip: You can spot all government articles by the [UKGov] tag so be sure to vote and subscribe any articles you see with that.

Remember to Vote and Subscribe to the Ministry of Defence paper because it has daily orders instructing you where to fight.

Make sure you join the official UK forums!

-The MoHA Staff