[UKGOV] The Great Gokaway

Day 1,529, 02:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Hello again floating vagrants of the country formerly know as the eUK. As you may have seen we’re back to being a non country at the moment (no jokes about always being a non country please). Yes we fought our brave little socks off a few days ago in order to at least secure some form of congress but alas Eden (not Ireland - there are only about five of them) kicked our bottoms into next week once more.

Now some of you may find that first paragraph a little depressing, however, there is something more alarming afoot dear reader. Indeed, it would appear that serial forum rule breaker and known legislation fanatic Goku “You wont like me when I’m angry”Jones has laid the blame for the temporary demise of this country at the feat of the MoHA. He has also called for immediate abolition of this Ministry and all who sail in her.

It is with all this doom and gloom in mind that we at the Ministry of Give Silly Titles To Older Players bring to you our latest endeavour to lighten your daily load and alleviate some of your burden. May we present to you the Goku Jones Benevolent Fund.

This fund will be used to provide players who meet the criteria listed below nice things. As well as the nice things we will also offer advice if it is asked for. An example of said advice would be “Join the forums”

As well as the fund we are also exploring the possibility of creating the Goku Jones Garden of tranquility, however, this is still in the planning stages and is subject to change.

Anyway, we digress.

To qualify for the Goku Jones Benevolent Fund you must:
Option 1:

Have an avatar
Have UK citizenship
Be up to level 28
Comment on this article with: “Hey Goku, I love MoHA”

Be one of the first 50 beautiful people to fulfill these criteria, and we shall send you 380 wellness worth of food!

Option 2:

Have an avatar
Have UK citizenship
Be level 29 or over
Comment on this article with: “Hey Goku, I love MoHA”

Be one of the first 50 wonderful people to fulfill these criteria, and we shall send you 2 Q5 weapons and 1 Q6 weapon!

All our love

Invalidation & Karacticus
Ministers of Home Affairs

Remember to keep up with the Military news by reading and subscribing to the MoD newspaper here.

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Tip: You can spot all government articles by the [UKGov] tag so be sure to vote and subscribe any articles you see with that.

Remember to Vote and Subscribe to the Ministry of Defence paper because it has daily orders instructing you where to fight.

Make sure you join the official UK forums!