[Terra/EDEN] Look Over There, We're Fine, We Promise!

Day 1,612, 10:07 Published in USA France by Hell The Great

Good morning, pupils,

Today, I'm going to talk about other alliances. Why? Because if we can troll ONE, we can ignore the trolling between our own side. We are experts in glossing over the facts, indeed, if we focus on ONE, we can completely ignore our own problems. After all, if we ignore them, they will ultimately work themselves out, right?

The best defence, is of course, a resolute offence. If you are so busy insulting, trolling, or degrading your enemies, your allies won't notice the cracks appearing.... Right? Bonus points are also awarded if you can accuse your enemies of acting just as your allies have done;

"But fear not: there is ALWAYS a solution. To find out which side is in the right, simply check the API to see which country is stronger."

Lets remember, that if we dont mention our own guilt at all, and pretend Bulgaria being ignored was nothing to do with the fact they had less damage than Turkey, then the rest of the world will forget it too. After all, we're the alliance of respect, with a history of respecting countries, and of genuine understanding and always ensuring the honourable path is the one we follow.

Its vital that when you are as honorable as we are, you ignore anything and everything that might portray you or your alliance as being 'in the wrong'. So, never mention the following;

Terra (USA/Canada/France/Japan/Argentina/Brazil) made a deal behind the backs of EDEN and Greece/Bulgaria to bring Turkey from the fallout of Phoenix into the Terra (then PANAM) alliance. In exchange for swapping the USA into a Serbian border, Turkey was promised protection, and membership of Terra.

Terra (by this time, USA/Canada/France/Japan/Argentina/Brazil/Turkey/France/UK) decided to support Ireland (EDEN) above the UK (Terra), when Ireland tanked heavily in a war between Belgium (Neutral) and the UK. Indeed, the lack of support, and response of HQ (I should know, I was in charge of Terra at the time) meant that ultimately, the UK left.

EDEN (obviously upset at this) declared that anyone with an MPP with Turkey, would receive no EDEN support. The Greek leader, who coincidently was also in charge of EDEN at the time, also declared (in a meeting between Terra/EDEN/Greece/UK) that if a country did not drop their MPP with Turkey, it was considered an act of war and the Greek nation would mobilise against them.

EDEN, when being horribly wiped by ONE (last year when ONE won everything), refused to help liberate Terra members. The strategy EDEN had, was that Terra should fight for itself and drain ONE, whilst EDEN free'd itself. Once ONE had been 'punished', then EDEN would help to RW France, Germany, USA, Brazil (occupied by Poland).

Terra, spurred on by aONE friendly and actively anti-Terra President supported Argentina's (non-Terra members) motion to remove Chile from the Terra alliance. Here, Chile had the nerve to seek a peace deal to stop New Zealand potentially invading. Goodness, what jerks! I am sure it was helped that Argentina, as a nation, has much more of this mystical 'damage' than Chile does. What a coincidence!

and lest we forget, EDEN decided that instead of upholding its alliance with Bulgaria, it would instead, chose Turkey. Why? Well, some say it was because Turkey had more damage. Others say Bulgaria was delibaretely undermining EDEN by fighting in RWs against Turkey and being stubborn.

I could go into quite detailed logs, where Terra HQ bemoan the lack of intelligence in certain economically challenged EDEN members. I could show logs where (even just last month) EDEN refused to fight for Terra members because of their affiliation with a certain country beginning with B. The past of Terra-EDEN is one of Terra accepting unrelenting idiocy, and attempting to circumvent inactive, out of touch, and at times, completely unreasonable and batshit insane EDEN HQs. Its laughable that they, as an institution, now try to cast 'the other side' as the embodiment of damage>anything. Although, if anyone knows what that would look like, it would be Terra; they've witnessed how EDEN operates for over a year now.

For anyone who insists that Bulgaria effectively left EDEN by fighting against Turkey and not fighting for EDEN, or that Chile effectively left Terra by choosing diplomacy instead of letting ego dictate the course of events. Let me point out, that there is a similar case going on right now..

Oddly, this is a scandal whereby Turkey tries to dictate what a nation can, or cannot do. Its almost like this happened for months between Turkey, and lets say, an unnamed ONE member. To be blunt, for Terra, or EDEN, to attempt to cast negative light on the diplomacy within ONE, in an awful attempt at plastering over their own inadequacies, is laughable. I have been involved in Terra HQ, been tasked with prodding EDEN into actually doing something, and I can tell you, if there is ANYTHING that experience taught me, it is that EDEN are interested in one thing: support against Serbia and Poland. If you are not fighting against the behemoths of EDEN's mortal enemies, then you are not going to receive EDEN help.

It will be interesting (rea😛 everyone knows what will happen, its a matter of how Terra/EDEN manage to paint kicking Russia out and doing what Turkey demands once more) to see what happens between Russia/Turkey. Of course, we all know what will happen; Terra and EDEN have lost enough in placating Turkey; they cannot afford to ever say no to Turkey again; because without Turkey, they will return to obscurity and being wiped.

So well done to EVERY Terra and EDEN nation which supported Turkey's ascendancy into EDEN. The coming months will be most fun for me personally, to see certain people atop EDEN be shown to be absolutely wrong, will be just delicious..

But don't trust me, I'm just a redcoat. What could I possibly know?