[TB 4 CP] VP Announcement also Fajita demands

Day 2,290, 22:28 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar
Mood Music

My last article after touting avatar versatility promised to reveal my pick for Vice President. Bear with me, this will be revealed very soon. However, proceeding with that I'd like to take a moment to expound a bit on what I have to offer as your next CP.

Very often in CP races you see either continuity, or new energy touted. Fresh blood or experience. I made my return to eRepublik less than a year ago. In my first stint playing erep I was little more than a 2 clicker. I didn't return to any fanfare, rejoicing, or even ignominy. I began my climb with work, and enthusiasm. That work and enthusiasm has brought me far. In the last 10 months I've served in quite a few national and Party jobs. This last month I've been Chief of Staff and Secretary of State. I contend that uniquely I can offer you continuity and fresh blood. My Vice President fits this theme. Without further ado.

Mazzy has served the last two terms as Vice President. It took a bit of convincing to get her to continue in that role. She provides more continuity to the last administration. This is extremely important as we are in a very crucial period of time. The alliance situation in the eWorld is still settling, we have a rapidly escalating war, and even in the community we have changes with the division realignment. Mazzy will continue in the important duties she's filled for WildOwl. Those include but are not limited to: helping to update orders, pitching in on domestic affairs, passing on important messages from foreign dignitaries, and so on.

I have a long list of things I'd love to see accomplished. However, thirty days is well just thirty days. You don't have to be a genius to see and feel that the community has diminished. IRC rooms are much quieter. The parties practically beg for players willing to be active and contribute to their communities. Our damage output has also dropped off. The media is frequently quiet. It's all symptoms of the same illness. Interest in the game is waning. Oldfags are leaving, 2 clickers are not clicking like they were, and new friends are not joining and staying like they were. I intend to throw every trick I've learned about spurring activity at our national scene. In short butter for all!

In a day or two I'll be releasing my cabinet. Much of my agenda this month is going to need as many willing hands as possible. As such if you are willing to serve in the executive branch as a Deputy, messenger, QM, etc. Please apply here. If you've been wanting to get involved, but have been uncertain until now as to how, this is your moment. That's all I have for now America. I thank you for reading.