[TB 4 Fed PP] Times 3

Day 2,242, 21:37 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

Hello Feds! I've already announced my intention to run for Federalist Party President on the forums. However, I feel making my case in game for another term as PP is important. If elected this would be the third time I will have the honor of leading our Party. My first campaign I ran on a platform of butter. My second term the focus was moar lulz. it was a time of transition for the party. A lot of energy was put into getting Feds involved in the forums and the Departments. A lot of time and resources were also dedicated to ATO.

Today the PTO is largely broken. As Secretary of Homeland Security for the last several months I've personally overseen and directed the efforts to keep grinding them down. This is relevant because it frees me up as Fed PP to focus on the Fed community. It has also taught me that while making use of the forums, publishing articles, and irc are very important, nothing gets a response like in game messaging. Serving in DHS I have seen amazing things accomplished. The taking of the AFA, the blocking of the AFA from both Congress and CP ballots. Done with the great help of direct in game messaging.

My first two terms a lot was accomplished. Fed Radio was revived, the Fun Zone was recreated and given a permanent home on the Fed boards, Fed Media was revitalized, games, contests, and other activities were added. MelissaRose and Evil Elvis the two Party Presidents who served after my terms have not only kept these things, but have broadened and deepened them. I will not be adding anything major to the Party, the infrastructure is in place. The butter is on the table. We just need to get our members to said table.

It is my intention to combine the lessons I have learned as Fed Party President and Secretary of Homeland Security and make use of them in January. I will personally message the entire Fed Party twice a week to get them involved in Fed activity. I will not be above bribery in accomplishing this task. The number one focus of my term will be finding, developing, and allowing the next generation of leadership to step up and serve. Attrition is a fact in this game. New players and old players alike are walking away from erep.

It is my belief that we need an influx of new blood. We need the energy, enthusiasm, and fresh perspective. As such my cabinet will be comprised of a lot of new faces, in addition to this we will strive to streamline the process of connecting Feds who want jobs with Department Directors. I will release my list of these Directors once I have confirmation from everyone I have in mind to serve. In the meantime I ask you to consider carefully who you would like to lead the Party through yet another time of transition. I successfully accomplished this task once. I can and will do it again! Please vote TB 4 Fed PP. Together we'll create something beautiful.