[PM] What on Earth has been going on?!

Day 1,195, 02:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jhorlin

As I explained in my previous articles, the Serbian region rental deal is now going through. The Natural Enemy has now expired, so the bonus to training and influence is gone.

This has caused an awful lot of drama. Serbia do not hate us, they are not angry with us for joining PANAM, Serbia are still good friends and this was an accident. The new auto-attack rules got the better of the Serbian CP, who is ill, and naturally out of a number of possible regions eRep automatically selected London.

Serbia were very helpful throughout the entire affair, and it blew over fairly quickly. It was great to see people fighting hard and rallying around the flag though - the Army were giving out weapons and there was a great deal of excitement. I'm glad to see that something so dangerous was an opportunity seized and relished by the Public. Thank you to all those who fought, all those who helped organise the defence, and I hope you all enjoyed the rollercoaster ride of emotions I'm sure we all felt.

Simultenous to this, I had the East Midlands RW going on. When the Army were pulled back for London, only a couple of UKSF guys were left to secure it, so I'm glad it all went through OK and East Midlands has returned home.

Congratulations to Tom Morgan on his Resistance Hero medal. All in all we made about 15 gold profit from the affair, so thanks to Tom for his donation to national funds.

Having won London, we now have initiative. However, the regions currently owned are all correct. Accordingly, I'll be looking to let the timer run down and automatically hit a neighbouring Serbian region, which we will intentionally lose to return the initiative. This should be the last substantive battle of the war.

With no Natural Enemy anymore, there is no bonus for fighting hard in this battle. I'd suggest that people aren't wasting energy trying to win the mini-battles for the UK.

As the regions are now all in place, we're looking now to the final phase. The Natural Enemy is closed, and I've now proposed peace which should go through over the course of the next 48 hours. That should leave a nice blank slate for the incoming Country President.

I suggest to everybody that now is a great time to join the Army. The Army is tailored to offer more food than wages are able to buy, and accordingly, gives a great deal to those who want to fight. More fights means more ranking up, more experience, and accordingly more levelling up. Not only that, but the Army offers a unique community, and puts a great deal of fun into the game.

*influence calculated fighting single hit without weapons

The training war proved useful, profitable, and moreover I think it was good fun for everybody involved. I know the Army was buzzing with excitement. What do you think? Did you enjoy it? Let me know!

See you on the battlefield!
