[No Tag]Peace by inches...

Day 1,966, 15:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbojoy

Guys and gals, today has been one filled with unpalatable choices. I started it by launching the battle, as promised, in Shannon, and both the country and our allies answered magnificently. Thank you so much for your health! My next words to you will no doubt sound pessimistic and defeatist, but I urge you to really understand the exact meaning behind what I want to try and explain; for the next week we will battle to keep on the map. We'll be fighting time, as we try to win a region at a time to stay alive. But help is coming. You know our allies will never let us be off the map should we fall from it, and we can ensure that help will arrive. This may take longer than we want (heck, I want it now!) but it is foolish to start naysaying or lose hope. Tighten your belts and fight hard.

So then to more choices. I am faced with the lack of damage in crucial periods that I outlined yesterday. We seem to find ourselves falling down when we attempt to act and *almost* make the grade. This was evidenced on my first evening in the job. It's not like we're not making the effort, just success against the odds requires harder work. We need to grind out the extra mile with top-ups that will allow us to aggregate these gains. Marginal gains = The inches to the finish line. To take these lessons from the greatest coaches I know and try and apply them to eRepublik is a challenge, but I firmly believe we can start today. I want to sign Mutual Protection Pacts (MPPs) with Latvia and Peru, both nations with common interests to us, and willing to help battle Argentina, and clear our homeland. They are passionate and enthusiastic about their commitment to that, and I feel we need to honour this trust, and accept what will be gratefully received damage for us to use. Therefore I've asked congress (and am urging them here) to vote yes! We can do this if we invest in the right way, at the right time, and that is now.

We're further seeking small victories by denying Ireland their resources. They have followed through on their invasion, and now should feel the burden of the conflict. We hold the initiative and the advantage, and with our allies, can deprive them of working extras – oh the pleasure of the small things. Finally I hope to bring you news from different departments, please check out the hard work being shown this month in the MoHA and read, vote, comment + shout on their new articles.

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