[MoHA] Empires & Determination

Day 2,211, 11:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Empire and Determination

Erepublik has recently delivered two new concepts for us to deal with: Empires & Determination.

These new ideas come fast on the tails of new other new concepts which were Freedom Fighters and Region Taxation.


Empires are defined as such by their extreme military power and vast territories. In order to be declared as an Empire in eRepublik, a state needs to gather enough Country Power.

Country Power is gained by conquering regions and keeping them under occupation for a certain amount of time. The amount of Country Power depends on two factors:

Military Power: which is the offensive capability of all the active soldiers enrolled in Military Units, taking into account their division


Controlled Regions which are the number of regions owned, taking into account both original and conquered regions. Regions conquered from countries with high Military Power give more points. Further, the more a region is kept under control, the more points it gives (except for original regions).

In terms of the big picture however, the introduction Empire offers little to change the game and its changes are merely cosmetic.


Determination feels like a counterbalance to Region Taxation. Region Taxation made it very attractive to build a large Empire and gain all the tax and production bonuses that an Empire would bring.

Determination however makes it harder for Empires to hold onto their assets.


The ideas is that when a region is kept under foreign occupation, the people’s determination to overthrow the oppressors increases over time. This leads to a Determination Bonus that multiplies the influence in battles against the oppressor.

When a Resistance War is started, the influence of each soldier fighting for the resistance is multiplied with the Determination Bonus.

It should be noted that the Determination Bonus only multiplies your Influence, not your Damage and Rank Points. In other words, players will still contribute the same amount of damage for their True Patriot or Battle Hero medals, but their influence against the opposing side is bigger.

Influence from Bombs, Rockets or Guerrilla Fights will not be multiplied by the Determination Bonus whereas hits done with Damage Boosters and Bazookas are multiplied like normal hits by the Determination Bonus.

How to calculate the Determination Bonus

The Determination Bonus increases with the number of days a region is occupied. Therefore, the longer the region is held under occupation, the stronger the determination gets.

Once a region is liberated, the determination will decrease gradually.


This is not the whole story however, and as Maj. Dimitrios Kaslas pointed out here - link - determination falls so quickly after liberation (in comparision to how long it took to build up) that the effect of the determination is seemingly, easily nullified.

An Empire could let a region go in a resistance war for a region with a high determination bonus, only to retake the region 12 days later when it has lost its bonus.

There may well be some balancing issues here that need to be worked out but in the meantime we should make ourselves aware of the changes and how they affect our foreign affairs.

Sven Goran Duran-Duran, DSO
Lead Minister for Home Affairs / Minister of Education