[MoD] CH-Zeug 10.07.

Day 1,695, 09:21 Published in Germany Germany by Bundeswehr

This newspaper is used by the Ministry of Defence of Germany to relay orders to its citizens. Please remember to subscribe and vote this newspaper so you and other citizens always have updated orders throughout the day

CH Summary

total damage: 79,408,000
participants: 123

Hall of Fame aka Top 5

Div 4
omg_87 (FSK) 14,154,786
Tlan Imass (BC) 8,156,055
ilphen (Other / sonstige) 4,921,070
reaktionaer (BC) 2,827,422
Custo7 (BC) 2,534,010

Div 3
Lokitown (FSK) 1,750,845
McRanco (GFG) 962,000
stevie_griffin (BC) 823,481
lord od sumadije (BC) 801,489
NeueN (STC) 507,732

Div 2
Mados City (other / sonstige) 1,206,428
FidelCastor (FSK) 729,700
DonKriz (BC) 685,541
tumme1094 (BW) 431,800
SharkOne (other / sonstige) 210,002

Div 1
Chas Kramer (BW) 162,442
Thuroi (RA) 50,626
Z2Daniel (other / sonstige) 15,120
xarrio (BW) 11,500
MichaelMariaHans (BC) 11,121

Join a military unit!
eGermany has an official army and also several militias. Feel free to join the one you like.
eDeutschland verfügt über staatliche sowie paramilitärische Gruppen, such dir einfach die passende aus. A small overview is given by the article of Friedrich Wilhelm II : Military Units of Germany

Eine ausführliche Anleitung in Deutsch zum Kämpfen findet ihr HIER

MoD-Team & Nicht-mehr-Kolumbianer slayer10

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