** Let Blue Represent YOU! **

Day 1,127, 16:18 Published in USA USA by Blue Holt

Yes, this is a Congressional Platform article. Apologies to my loyal subscribers. I do promise to write the usual "Weekly-Wednesday Article" for tomorrow. In the meantime, why not take a gander at what I have to offer? I think you'll be most pleased. ~

What's going on, eU.S.A.?

My name's Blue Holt, first-time Congressional hopeful running in the NEW eState of Northeast Mexico.

A little bit about myself:

** Former eU.S. Marine
- Private First Class/PFC (January-March '09)
- Sergeant/Sgt (March-September '10)

** Former eU.S. Army
- 4th Division Executive Officer/XO,
Major/MAJ (April '09 - February '10)

"Why have you decided to run for Congress?"

Given my military background, it's the only portion of the game that I have ever known. Now, while spending some time away from the eU.S. Military, I crave to explore the other avenues that our eNation has to offer.

I can already guarantee you that I will be extremely active and steadfast in serving any office in the eU.S. Government. The eU.S. Military was essential in teaching me the values of hard work, dedication and sacrifice.
While serving in Congress, I will also apply a level of discipline, tactful understanding, and clarified explanations in weekly reports via newspaper, to further accommodate much needed transparency to my eState and constituency.

As performed in my Military career, I aim to be absolutely the best at what I do; Congress will be no different.

What I do is all for you. ~

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