LI: Revisions

Day 1,130, 04:05 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling
We play the blaming game. Yes I mind. It's not your turn.

It's interesting, really.

To be honest, I thought it was pretty bad to be informed about the FEC issue via PigInZen's article, but here I thought that was just short term. I'd been gone a few days after all, so sure, somethings were probably going to slip through my grip.

But I went on the forums and did my little dance, explaining the situation. Even went so far as to try and bring about some positive conversation and maybe hope to resolve this in a better manner than blatant drama mongering and quips.

Cute the first time, but once everyone is doing it it gets old fast.

But no.

Apparently that wasn't enough.

What gets me isn't that this drama is continuing. What gets me is that in the entire time that this whole thing has been going on, with people talking about contacting top 5 party presidents this and speaking with party members that, it's that NOT ONE PERSON HAS ACTUALLY CONTACTED ME ONCE IN GAME OR OUT OF GAME REGARDING IT.

Not PigInZen.

Not Rod Damon.

Not Claire Littleton. I actually had to track her down to have a conversation with her, which turned out to be pretty productive.

The only person who even so much as hinted at the whole "UIP has yet to fill out the FEC sheet" thing was Gulden Draak, who made some witty/sexy comment in #UIP.

True statement.

So in summary, no I haven't been contacted about what's been going on in the FEC. Yes, it has made for some lovely confusion and drama. And no, the UIP is not going to help with it the next time until some changes are made.

The United Independents Party will no longer be participating in the FEC process after this month's Congressional elections. You all have had your chance to actually talk with me about it, now it's time to lay out the terms.

We will cooperate with an organization that:
-Has a leader who does not directly come from any party's leadership is voted and agreed upon by all Top 5 party leadership
-Is communicative towards all Top 5 leadership
-Encourages the use of military personal as blockers
-Begins recruiting blockers at an earlier date to be agreed upon with Top 5 party leadership

Until that organization arises, the United Independents Party will not be using the FEC. It's time for some change in the way we do this. It's been long overdue.

The Unity of Independents
The United Independents Party is undergoing some major changes this month, the first of which is a major revision of our internal structure. For far too long has our party run under the mayhem of individual indulgence.

It's time for some unity.

Effective immediately, all secretaries and chiefs are fired. A select few have been retained for the sole purpose of us needing to get through elections, but otherwise as of now the UIP has no internal command structure. We will be reformatting the way divisions and secretaries work starting immediately. Message me if you think you should be a part of this process.

Congressional Endorsements

The following people are p cool by my standards, so they get this spiffy banner they can place in their articles about getting elected to congress.

Evan Feinman
Hadrian X
Blank Keating
The Sensei
Dan Heylin
Julian Mizu
Jasper Signa
Lt. Schiesskopf
Soren Nelson
Jason Stilner
Pheno Sony
Max Wallingbottom III
Claire Littleton
Andy Costello
Justin McCravok
Speedcat McNasty
B. Martin
Blue Holt
Max Palin
Lord Krauser
Devon Donaldson
John Largo

Here's your prize:

BTW, I'm running in Virginia.

Stay frosty.