Politics At Their Worst

Day 1,126, 21:28 Published in USA USA by PigInZen

Vote for PigInZen for Congress in Pennsylvania!

Anyone who knows me knows that I really try to remain impartial in party politics. This dates back to the failed attempted PTO of France in July of 2009 when some petty politics pretty much screwed over the whole plan. I was incensed. I quit my party at the time and refused to take part in party politics of any kind.

Until now.

My fellow Americans, there comes a time when it is our duty as citizens to decide that party politics aren't as important as national security. I feel the same now as I did during that summer over a year ago. I believe that my decision to run for Congress as a member of the Libertarian Party will hopefully bring attention to what is about to happen.

The USWP, UIP and Federalists have yet to submit a list of candidates to the FEC. Why is this important? Every election the FEC tries to find blockers for open candidate spots. Without this information from the parties the FEC will have a hell of a time trying to sort out who is a "legitimate candidate" sponsored by those parties and who isn't. The USA has avoided a PTO of any sort due to our coordination during election time between adversarial political parties.

And now some parties are ready to piss this away in an attempt to punish the Libertarian Party. It's wrong and I'm not afraid to stand up and be recognized for declaring it so.

Why Punish the Libs?

It's a good question. I believe I have part of the answer. The Libs were the party that gained most from the Revolution-Counter Revolution storyline that Josh Frost and I (along with others in our administration) created at the beginning of our time in office in order to spike interest and give some people a little bit of interesting tales in the media. Because of some benign poltical stuff that occurred behind the scenes before announcing the "Revolucion" CRoy and Claire Littleton were targeted in order to give an air of confrontation to the story. That's all it was. The Libertarians, to their credit, used this to spur interest in their party. The Counter Revolution is OVER, folks, and the Libertarians and Frost's America have a common agenda - that of making the USA stronger than ever. The REBELUTION is real.

It's simple jealousy, folks. Let's add to this equation the fact that Claire Littleton was appointed to the FEC to work with Rod Damon. There are claims that she, as a high-profile Libertarian, cannot be impartial and will use the information from the other parties to the advantage of the Libs somehow. It's bull, and a convenient excuse. There have been party insiders involved in the FEC before but this time we're supposed to believe it's different?

I'll tell you how it's different. The USWP, UIP and Feds are conspiring to snipe out as many Libertarian Congressional candidates as they can. Damn the ATO efforts, they want to punish the Libs for some reason.

What You Can Do

Don't believe the bullshit. Vote your conscience and DON'T SNIPE for poltical purposes only. THINK before you vote.

And vote for PigInZen in Pennsylvania. I could be the only Libertarian elected at this rate. A chance I'm willing to take.

I call out Haliman, Athanaric and Greene12, Party Presidents of the USWP, UIP and Federalist Party and URGE THEM to cooperate with the FEC and stop blaming the Libertarians and Claire Littleton for their petty political objectives.


E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

¡Viva la Revolucion!
¡Viva la Frost!
¡Viva Frost's America!

Join or die. E Pluribus Unum.