And He Spoke of Congress...

Day 1,126, 20:48 Published in USA USA by Regretfulone

Hello everyone! I know it has been a while since I have put out an article. I had some unfortunate circumstances to deal with. But, that is all done now! On with the real business of this article.

It is time for me to take a big step forward in my political career. I am running for congress and I need your help to make the next big step!

This is my official platform of what I intend to do in a Congressional seat.

The People

My goal is to listen to the people and hear their opinions, questions, and other comments. I want my votes on any issue brought up to reflect what the people have to say. I am not going to be a fake congressman and claim to listen to the people and then just vote however I feel. The position of congressman was designed to be a position where the people can interact with the government on a level where their individual voice will be heard.

If I am elected I will set up a form where anyone who has input, comments, questions, concerns or anything else can contact me. I will read through the input whenever I get on and will respond accordingly. This is one way I feel that I could help better the nation is by listening to the people.


I would like to say that yes, even though I am running under a party that does not necessarily mean that I agree with everything that they claim, or they believe. I do not want the people to think that just because they may feel differently about a subject than the party that I am under, that does not mean that I will vote the same way as everyone in the party just to be like everyone else. My votes are going to be based on what the people want, what I feel is good, and what the party feels is good. The combination of all of these things together will influence or not influence the vote.


Now I know that this is a very sore subject for most eUSA citizens. I can't promise you that I will be able to lower taxes like everyone so desperately wants. What I can tell you is that with the proper communication, I can help keep the American public informed on what is happening and if possible I will help move a vote to lower taxes. I can't make promises on this subject, but I want to help change them as well.

I am running under the Libertarian party and will be running in Northeast of Mexico. Your support is needed and appreciated!

America, I am asking for your support today in getting someone who deserves to be in congress there. I am asking you to get someone who will actually do something for YOU! If you are interested in helping to make this change possible, click on this link right here and enter the information. I need people who are willing to move and vote to make a change! I will be in touch with all of those who are interested in making this country the best that it can be!

Good night all

Vote Regretfulone for Congress!!

P.S. Vote and sub greatly appreciated 😉