[IBB4CP] The Cabinet and a Few Words

Day 2,115, 14:51 Published in Canada Canada by I-Bleed-Blue-93

Hello once more my friends,

I come to you today with a few final words before the election tomorrow.

First off I would like to finally announce my Cabinet for the September term. A President's Cabinet is his team, his team of devoted individuals who work day in and day out to ensure that certain tasks get done. To ensure that certain battles are won. To ensure that eCanada prevails.

It is with this in mind, and under the firm belief that it is the work of the combined Cabinet that makes a CP's term truly great, that I present my Cabinet for the September term.

Prime Minister (VP)

Our outgoing President, Klop123, has served this nation countless times and I have asked him to serve it once more as my Vice President and Prime Minister.

Klop's Assistant

Zianni Vaatez will be serving this term as the Personal "Secretary" (for lack of a better word as Deputy doesn't really apply here) to Klop123 and will assist him wherever necessary throughout the term.

Ministry of Defense

Umbra Bellator has served eCanada both in some of our best Military Units as well as on the Battlefield itself, laying down innumerable damage and supplying tanks and money many times throughtout our occupation. It is because of this, and his many positive personal traits, that I can see noone more deserving of the position than Umbra Bellator as the Minister of Defense.


Serving as Deputies to Umbra and the Ministry of Defense this term will be Randall Flagg 1999 and HazmatNukeHax0r. Randall is an veteran eCanadian and will add bountiful experience to the Ministry. Hazmat is a fairly fresh face to the Political scene and will be using this term to gain experience and to learn from the best this nation has to offer.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

This month's Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be a busy place, with eCanada having just left Asgard and looking for a new Alliance to call our home in the coming months. It is with this in mind that I have chosen to divy up the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs between 2, more than qualified, candidates. Ardikus V2 and Shoi12 will therefore be sharing the title of Minister of Foreign Affairs and will each have specific tasks to accomplish throughout the term.

Serving as the Deputy to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs this term will be Cesare Vino. Cesare has a great deal of experience internationally and will serve as an important member of the Ministry, especially during talks with some nations in particular.

Liasion for the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs

Joseph Quimby will be serving as the administrative liason between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense. This means that it will be his job to ensure full and proper communication between these ministries to ensure maximum efficiency when their fields overlap, which happens more often than not.

Ministry of Finance

Bryan Alexander has served as eCanada's Minister of Finance for quite a few terms and as such, and now that we actually have some real money to work with, I have talked him into serving once more. Welcome back Bryan, now get to work!

Ministry of Education

Repeating the role of Minister of Education is the Almighty Badger, Utat. He has done a great job this term advising our younglings and keeping eCanada informed and Educated. Along with continuing his success from last term we have also brainstormed some ideas to further eCanada's Education. Keep an eye out!

With my Platform established, my Cabinet assembled, and my plans laid out the rest now lies with you eCanada. Tomorrow you will take to the polls and vote for who you think should be eCanada's next Country President. After all the Campaigning, Private Messaging, and Discussion, it really comes down to you.

So vote for I-Bleed-Blue-93 tomorrow eCanada, and vote for a strong future.

Finally, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to ask via PM or in the comments section.

MDP Presidential Candidate


P.S. Best of luck to all my fellow Candidates.

Look at my Cabinet!
Vote for me tomorrow!

Candidacy Article: Keep Calm and Bleed Blue

Platform Article: Platform and Cabinet Applications