[GOV] Social Office's Friendly Advices to newbies

Day 935, 22:09 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Kementerian Pertahanan eMY

Hi eMalaysians, especially to those newbies that the Social Office constantly in contact with,

Unlike what some people alleged, there is no ongoing corruption in the Social Office. We are indeed currently very busy and taking up to 40 PMs (ingame messages) a day. Two of us - Carr de Vaux and Mr Aleph log in in various hours during the days to clear off requests for advices/gifts/food. We are looking for a 3rd trustworthy and hardworking hand to join our team.

Now, the important bit. This week, i will be releasing a bunch of FAQ with regards to Wellness Management and Game tutorial as a whole:

I am a level 13 citizen, accidentally fought 7 times and have 70% wellness. Help!
►Hi. I suggest that you buy an organisastion (for 5G) and send the remaining of your cash to the org. From it, you can buy up 10-20pack of Q1 gifts (~3myr each) and gift yourself back to 100%. The org is very useful in many ways too. Check out this great article about personal org and wellness/storage maintenance. I am sending you a few gifts anyway.

I am a level 4 citizen, working in a Q2 company with 70% wellness. Help!
►Hi. I suggest that you change your job back to a Q1 company. Q2 company takes away 2% wellness while Q1 only take away 1%. For now, you cannot afford much gifts/high quality food. I am sending some Q2-3 food to you as well as gifting you a few times. PLease buy food daily to ensure your wellness is maintained. Once you get to higher level, you can get a higher salary job and buy food/gifts yourself.

Hi. I am new. Do i need daily food? Is wellness important
►Yes. you do. Check out this guide on why wellness is important and how it changes over different actions in game.

Hi. I just got to level 6. I wanna fight in the Sabah battles to defend my country! Do i fight 10X since i hve 100% wellness?
►Hi. The battle in Sabah is generally a training battle. Check this newspaper for the latest Official Military order to see where is the actual battle. Anyway, you should only hit 5 times as the Q5 hospital only recover 50% wellness. in v2, this will bound to change slightly.

Hi. Can i have some of gift make me able to join war?..hospital do heals 50 wellness per day isn't it?.. i'm totally poor to buy some wellness boxes..i didn't even know how to use the treasure map... XD
►Hi. The hospital only recovers as much wellness as you lost in fighting that day. So, if you are on 60% wellness, and you fought once. It will only give you back 10% wellness. You need high quality food and gifts to recover back to 100%. I have gifted you a few times to help. As for wellness boxes - NEVER BUY THEM. they are intended for military purposes. There are cheaper ways to recover 10% wellness (e.g. 10 Q1 gifts). To use treasure maps - go to Gold and Extras tab. You ll see treasure map in there.

Hi. I am new. Can you help?
►Hi. check out this simple guide for newbies and the Ultra compact survival guide by the Social Office (thanks and credits to Setsuna😵
►►►English- http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AYjIl5__SVuIZGdudDRjazJfMWR0NXE4Ymdz&hl=en
►►►Malay- http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AUk_5iP93XUMZGd2M2g2dHdfMG1jNmZxc2hj&hl=en

Hi. Anyone there? Is this a robot?
►Yes. we are here. No, we re not robot. If it takes more than 12-24 hours to reply your message - sorry. World Cup is going on, and we have fulltime RL jobs too. 🙂

Most importantly, please PM us for help. We cannot afford to spend time to look for every single sick/active citizens. And to generous citizens, we are still welcoming donations if you have spare gifts/myr.

Carr de Vaux
Mr Aleph