[Dan/naD] Home Affairs Part 2

Day 1,592, 11:24 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Dan/naD Wilshire
Future Country President
Home Affairs part 1

The Introduction

Today’s article will conclude the Home Affairs portion of my programme. If you have any suggestions, or questions please feel free to comment! All your comments will be taken into account if I win the CP election.

Department of Home Affairs

Immigration, Health and Public affairs will be covered today.

Ministry of Immigration

The MoI will is a vital job in the country. The monitor our borders making sure no rogue players enter our country. It keeps the PTO threat to a minimum and ensures that our population has a minimal percentage of dangerous people.

The current MoI system is an excellent one. You have the initial application, that is then taken to congress and then the person is either rejected or accepted. However I would make one alteration. I would have the MoI and their team delve deeper into the player. Interview them, interview their friends and read through their past articles to find out what this player is really like. This will only strengthen our borders and protect us from any future PTO’s. Also any congress members who go against the MoI’s orders will get blacklisted for congress.

Ministry of Health

Being MoH is a wonderful job. I remember when I got to donate to hundreds of people filling in an infinite amount of “prove you are human” tests. However someone has to do it right? The MoH will deal with helping young and weak player stay active by providing weekly food baskets to them. The MoH will organise weekly giveaways, along with this the MoH will monitor the progress of the players who they donate food to. The MoH will be made up of a couple of people so that more than one person is tasked with the job.

I believe that a Ministry of Health is a vital part of a cabinet as it has endless uses. It can help keep new players in the game, assist in the development of our citizens and encourage small amounts of activity by increasing the fire power of the nation.

Ministry of Internal Affairs

The MoIA is tasked with organising ATO defences. They will work in partnersip with the MoI and MoInfo to ensure that the country is informed about any possible threats to the country. The will also be tasked as a mediator on the forum and IRC so that the country is a nice and happy place to live.

The Conclusion

Overall the Department of Home Affairs will consist of 6 ministers and numerous sub ministers who will be tasked in ensuring that the social and political side of the country run smoothly and effectively. If you have any advice please comment!

Final Note

Vote Dan/naD Wilshire! This isn’t a game, it’s a life style!

Minister of Defence
Swiss Citizen
Dan/naD Wilshire