[CPF] An open letter to Dade from his Deputy PM (Day 950)

Day 950, 08:01 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence
Take the Deal!

I've been a lack-lustre Deputy PM for Dade, I'll be the first to admit it. Outside of some encouraging remarks I've done little on the positive front, and I've done plenty on the negative front stirring up scat with the CAF.

Well, now is the time to pitch in.

Dade, congress is a beast, and it likes to sit on its rear-end. It doesn't like to change and it doesn't like people looking at its sacred cows. This country will never improve until they change.

JB has led a huge contingent of cage rattlers into congress, they won't cow-tow, they will cow-tip if necessary.

You are the Commander-in-Chief of this nation and you have the authority to enter into rent-a-region deals.

My advice: take the Manitoba deal. It is good for eCanada even if its at a lower price. Go for it! It's not to late, go to the table and negotiate on price. We aren't a military power, let's negotiate like the economic power that we can be.

Congress will not be unanimous in their support of this, they also won't be unanimous in their support against it. Go with your gut and put the L in COLA.

Renting a region isn't blasphemy, this is a game. In a way I kind of hope that Poland doesn't want to give it back so that it creates a legit war to get it back. Inject some fun in this game guys!!!

Your daddy in trolling unity,

Addy Lawrence

The "Who's Your Daddy?" Library

Create, Plan, Manage is now Who's Your Daddy? (Day 943) (28 votes, 6 comments)
This is a Happy Father's Day announcement and the renaming of my newspaper.

Out Game-Played (Day 93😎 (61 votes, 24 comments)
This is my commentary on dealing with JBdivinus' surprise win in the CPF PP elections and the various rumours surrounding it.

The Sky Is Not Falling!!! Remember the Beige Agenda (Day 935) (65 votes, 16 comments)
A comfort statement regarding the down-turn in the global eRep economy and how to deal with it. Don't panic!!!

Dropping the A-bomb (Day 932) (42 votes, 25 comments)
My editorial on how political a statement it is when you say you are apolitical.

Congratulations Dade Day 929) (101 votes, 46 comments)
Me being a good sport about losing a close CP race to Dade. So CLOSE!!!

My Plan to End the eFrance War (Day 92😎 (102 votes, 39 comments)
This is one of my most popular articles, a novel plan to end the eFrance war. I never got a chance to pull it off nor to give credit to the master-mind who conceived of it. C'est la vie.

Who's your daddy? Day 18 of Addy's Clean CP Campaign (Day 927) (33 votes, 13 comments)
This is the last campaign article in my CP run and contains links to the platform. Several of the articles in this campaign made top five. The first five articles each made top five. There was a four to five day run where I had two articles in the top five at all times. This was a great period for this paper.

The Great Debate: Piggy, blow the conch!!! (Day 907) (28 votes, 21 comments)
My contribution to the national debate regarding the Supreme Court, the TL😉R is that its broken.

Questions and Answers About Currency, Bonds, and Issuing Money (Day 890) (27 votes, 15 comments)
Thorough explanations to commons questions about eRep currency, eCanadian Victory Bonds, and eRep's "issue money" engine.

Addy Lawrence on the Media (Day 89😎 (35 votes, 9 comments)
My submission to the Canada Prize writing contest, a look at the role of the media in eCanada.

What colour is the sky in eCanada? (Day 842) (50 votes, 15 comments)
A look at the contracting economy and how to survive it.

Protectionist Trade Policy On Abundant Resources (Day 775) (17 votes, 6 comments)
This is a promotion for some in congress motions I made regarding import taxes and protecting eCanada high region commodities.

Standardized Tax Rates, Mill Rate System, and CAD Printing to Tax Revenue (Day 770) (13 votes, 4 comments)
This is background on some motions I was pushing in congress to standardize income tax rates, come up with a system for determining the reasonablenss of the standarized income tax rate, and establish some rationale behind how much CAD to print each term.

The Lowest Economic Denominator in eRepublik (Day 760) (15 votes, 6 comments)
This is an up close look at the value of your click.

Lower Minimum Wage = More Jobs (Day 74😎 (21 votes, 16 comments)
This is the statistical proof the lowering the minimum wage in eCanada will create jobs in eCanada. It didn't go over well. This was my last push to reduce the minimum wage in eCanada. I still support a lower minimum wage but I will no longer champion the cause.

The Private Army (Day 635) (14 votes, 1 comment)
Here is my first look at privately funded militias.

Create = Change, Change = Fear and Opportunity (Day 630) (12 votes, 4 comments)
This is a commentary on why the CAF should not be afraid that Bruck's Canucks is looking to take them over, which was a prevailing thought at the time.

Maiden Article for the War Effort - Tank Fund (Day 605) (26 votes, no comments)
This was my way of raising money for the tank fund so that eCanada could fight off the Hungarians and Iranians and French during WWIII. There was a campaign afoot to donate all gold from medals to the tank fund. I'm still waiting for that Media Mogul medal!!!

Who's your daddy?

Addy's your daddy!!!