[CP Entry] The Evolution of the eCanadian Economy

Day 506, 09:54 Published in Canada Canada by vincent chaotic

In the beginning, the economic world of eRepublik was small and barren place, a new life in the eWorld, full of promise and hope. Its creators dreamed of a simulator which would bring real world issues and events to life in an microscopic setting, a world within a world. War, famine, peace, leadership, power, wealth, all these things so often limited to the powerful in our own world, brought to our own fingertips to provide a second life for the layman. We could learn the trade of the soldier, the cunning of the politician, or the greed of the corporate elite, without ever leaving our homes. As eRepublik has grown and expanded, so too has its economy, both global and national. It has transformed from a collection of small business into the vast integrated network of government interests, multinational corporations, entrepreneurs and hardworking middlemen we see today. From Beta to V1, there is no better country to note this tremendous evolution than eCanada.

As the first users found themselves admitted to the eWorld, they were granted a sum of 50 Gold each with which to forge the foundations of a new economy 1., the powerful engine that would drive this beautiful nation and all its works. With this gold citizens crafted a plethora of small companies in each manufacturing sector: weapons, food, moving tickets, housing, and hospitals, with gifts to be added down the line. Small companies flourished and grew as they built personal relationships with their employees 2., while others fell by the wayside, lacking the funds and the manpower to sustain themselves.

But from those who thrived formed the basis for a new economy, one which would be dominated by the corporate baron, and supplemented by the government. Presidents and congressmen were elected, and soon this new governmental entity became an economic contender in and of itself. With the election of Grapez as president, he used the economic power of the state forged two major government institutions to guide the Canadian economy: the National Healthcare System and National Bank of Canada. 3. As Grapez was replaced by Faltnor, these institutions were placed under the command of new cabinet ministers, under whom government loans were provided for the creation of new businesses. 4. Government subsidization in the health sector provided the substantial funds needed to build such massive infrastructure projects as hospitals. 5. But like a young user elected too soon to the rigors of high office, the eCanadian economy found itself unprepared for the overdrive that it was soon to experience.

One year ago this month the war module was introduced, and with it came the American invasion. 6. A sudden influx of foreign fighters resulted in a massive increase in the Canadian workforce,7. while the demand for all products shot up with the need to defend against the invasion. The economy was placed in overdrive, and soon government resources, and private resources were being burned at an unsustainable rate. 8. By the end of the war, both nations fell into a deep recession as the workforce experienced an unparalleled brain drain. Too many businesses competed for too few workers, and thus the new President Derrick Braham turned to the international market to compensate. 9. As a result, eCanadians were able to survive, but lacked the ability to thrive.

But two trends began to take hold once more: government intervention and corporate monopolization. Whereas the old system was run by small businesses, the new economy began to find itself centralized around a few key economic juggernauts, and insulated by government trainers. As Adam Sutler took the presidency, new government companies appeared left and right to train new eCanadians until they could work for the high quality companies of the corporate giants. 10. But this new system suffered several shocks as politicians questioned the role, and motives of the top economic players in Canada. With Cottus Arci’s election as president, inquiries were made into the new economic system, focusing on the corporate giant kommie. 11.

But as the population grew, so too did the amount of players at the economic table, and eCanada began to thrive, reaching a period of economic stability lasting from July to September. But once more the eCanadian economy was about to be changed forever. On September 4th 2008 the Admins halted World War I and Suspended the war module. 12. While the previous economic crisis had been a result of an inability of domestic companies to meet the demands of the nation; the halting of the war module brought about the opposite effect. With no way to expend the massive stocks of weaponry, gifts, and moving tickets being produced, the eWorld slumped into a massive economic depression as stocks of manufactured goods remained untouched on the marketplace. With revenue dropping off substantially and labour costs increasing, small Canadian businesses began to fold left and right leaving only the massive corporate giants to hold the reins, while the government continued to bare the strain of training new applicants, or sustaining laid off workers. 13.

Over one month after the crisis began, eRepublik Beta and the depression plaguing it were laid to rest. From its shattered remains rose V1! The new system brought not only bugs and a renewed trivia system and consolidated skill levels, but also the greatest economic development in recent memory. No, I am not talking about the pacemaker for the bladder, which had to be abandoned after some embarrassing incidents involving microwave ovens; I speak of course of the Resource System. eCanada’s economic potential skyrocketed as it was announced that we would maintain high productivity in all but one of the resource areas. But V1 not only introduced new systems, it turned the Canadian economy on its head. One by one the Corporate giants fell, some were banned, 14. Some retired, 15. And others merely left. 16. In their stead, the Canadian Government under The Triumvirate became a massive investor in the Canadian economy, providing stimulus packages, building resource companies, and employing new Canadians. 17.

As the government held the nations economic spine in place, independent businesses began to grow and thrive, building an export market geared around wood 18. and diamond 19. exports and supplying its own manufacturing base. But the addition of the resource market caused a substantial brain drain in the manufacturing sector, as high quality employees shifted into the new resource sector in order to capitalize upon the new system. But the system would soon equalize itself to meet this new demand.

A sudden influx of new users shook the Canadian economy to its core, as the generation that was to be known as the Baby Boomers flooded into the Canadian workforce. Guided by governmental assistance programs and independent education programs, 20. the Canadian economy expanded at an astounding rate, reaching the level of market equilibrium we now enjoy. With an expanded and integrated workforce, the Canadian economy began to exceed all previous economic goals and records, propelling a once-middle placed nation into the top ten in population 21., Gross Domestic Product 22., Exports, 23. and companies. 24.

With a stable economy, a strong currency, a vibrant population, and the most plentiful resources in the world, eCanada stands as a global leader in the eRepublikan economy. This success cannot be attributed to any one man, but to all those who have come before us. From the former presidents, to the newest citizen, we have built our country into one of the greats. Though issues may face us, though enemies may threaten us, though politics may divide us, we must never lose sight of the truth: that we have finally become The True North Strong and Free.

- Vincent Chaotic

1. http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/History/21_November_2007
2. http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/the-ottawa-guardian-14371/50
3. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/political-rebirth-477942/1/20
4. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/canadian-paradox-switches-leaders-77501/1/20
5. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-faltnor-support-rally-164391/1/20
6. http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/History/11_April_2008
7. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/das-boot-helping-the-canadian-cause-195752/1/20
8. http://ecanada.forumotion.com/museum-of-canadian-history-f39/can-am-war-t135.htm?sid=e36fe5af9bfb7ef6880e3c2475166993#28215
9. http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/interviews-of-the-vampire-180749/2
10. http://ecanada.forumotion.com/museum-of-canadian-history-f39/norsefire-revolution-t195.htm?sid=e36fe5af9bfb7ef6880e3c2475166993
11. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/yellowknife-housing-under-scrutniy-393771/1/20
12. http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/History/4_September_2008
13. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/prime-minister-address-regarding-security--687288/1/20
14. http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/119781
15. http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/183632
16. http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/41652
17. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/explaining-shinra-and-the-cad-690060/1/20
18. http://www.erepublik.com/en/company/179166
19. http://www.erepublik.com/en/company/179360
20. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/bored-of-erepublik-wishing-there-was-more-to-do-part-1--735286/1/20
21. http://www.erepublik.com/en/rankings/countries/1/2
22. http://www.erepublik.com/en/rankings/countries/1/4
24. http://www.erepublik.com/en/rankings/countries/1/9