White House Press Release - Jan. 11th

Day 1,148, 18:35 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Official White House Press Release #194
~January 11, 2010, Day 1,148 of the New World~

Denizens of Amerika,

Would you like to listen to some French Executive Muzak?
~Don't be afraid Amerika, I am here to save you now. 😁~

The winds of change have gushed along this lonely path. Just five days prior, our new President, Haliman, was inaugurated into the Oval Office, and since that day, his methods of operation have been set into motion. Programs have been initiated and international relations have been discussed. But Amerika, we cannot nonchalantly sit back while the cards of fate are being dealt. This is not the country of political elites nor is it my country. Rather, this is our country, a place of immersion between personalities of all kinds. The future of the USA is placed broadly on our shoulders. Let's look ahead. Let's take action. This is the time to stand up together and solve the unsolvable for the betterment of this country. Are you ready to step up?

1. Internship Program
2. Clickaholics Unite
3. Ask the President
4. PANAM Details
5. Pakistan Region Swap

Internship Program

Ignorance is bliss. For the United States to triumph at the national level, citizens from all walks of life need to come together and contribute to this common goal. While we could spend our time arguing on petty disagreements. time may be the only resource we don't have complete control of. Because of this, we must spend our time building the nation with your help. Despite being an easy way to get involved, many citizens do not have a government job at the national level.

Why is this? There is no reason to feel shy because you are always welcome. Furthermore, if you feel that you won't make a difference or be unappreciated, you are severely mistaken. The reason I believe true, and I'm sure the administration would agree with me, is that many are scared of the fitting in or screwing up miserably on the job. To ease this fear, the Haliman administration has come prepared.

I am glad to introduce the Internship Program! This program in idea is very unique. Instead of putting you in the front lines out of no where, the Internship Program will enable you to follow your interests and look over the day-to-day happenings of another person. Whether it be writing or mass messaging, you will get to obtain hands on experience and eventually get your own post in the national government! Obviously, if you already hold a government job, you cannot apply. But if you don't hold one, I highly recommend you fill out this form! This is a great opportunity no one should pass up!

Clickaholics Unite

President Haliman: Clickaholics is a Go!

Mass communication never hurt a soul. We are a nation of thousands, and that in itself is a worthy asset and painful liability. With that kind of extensive man power, we have the ability to conquer taco-producing countries and shift the bitter tide of war, but that can only be accomplished when we are all understanding of the situation. Needless to say, Amerika has made strides on achieving this through beneficial programs, but the distaste of not reaching out to all the citizens possible always blazed deeply in our hearts.

With those claims in mind, President Haliman announced the grand opening of his immensely anticipated program, Operation: Clickaholics. The idea is to send a message out to all the citizens of Amerika over the course of his term, but an idea has never been executed without determination. As a result, we need citizens who are interested in mass messaging. By doing this, you are helping to increase increase the active participation of Amerika. Interested in reaching out to others? Fill out this form today! Unity enhances forward progress.

Ask the President

Vice President SGGHays: Ask the President!

Curiosity provides a sturdy base of understanding. Unless you are the President or a member of his cabinet, chances are you are a bit unknowing of the current flow of things. And with this, misunderstanding of events often contributes to regrets and divisions within ourselves. Truth be told, as Amerikans, we must all be on the same page. Long ago, citizens sought out knowledge by venturing to the source of the events, the President himself. As administrations passed, this program diminished until it was lost under time itself.

The induction of Haliman as President brought the revival of the greatly missed Ask the President. The concept is simple. You ask the President anything that can possibly pop up in your mind. By doing this, the general public acquires information as well as the President himself. To do this, just take a quick second to fill out this form. Due to the vast amount of questions coming in, not all can be answered, but in order for you to have the best chance of getting chosen, be ambitious. Try to ask a question no one has thought of yet.

President Haliman has already answered the first round of questions, but it is never too late to ask! Keep them on coming. Furthermore, public opinion has had great emphasis already this term. We want to know what you are thinking. Within those Ask the President articles answered by Haliman, he includes a Question of the Article that I encourage everyone to answer. What do you feel is the most important aspect of government? Who said curiosity killed that cat?

PANAM Details

Minister of Foreign Affairs St Krems: It's Time for a Change [EN/PT/ES]

United we may fall, but alone we may fall harder. No country can compete in the New World without the cooperation of other allies. The countries who try ultimately end up weak and futile. Since we left EDEN, many had strong opinions that that we needed to become an active participant in another structured alliance in order to dominate our international enemies. Through the vivid representation and determination of St Krems, we have become a full member of Pan America.

Being a newborn alliance, there is still much to be done on the PANAM front. Truth be told, creating any stable alliance is quite the tedious task, but relations have been rolling smoothly. Coming into this term, President Haliman has been prepared into talks about this alliance. All the member countries in PANAM are excited about this alliance, and while no details are out yet, news from the alliance should be available very soon. Hail PANAM!

Pakistani Region Swap

Never before has the land of sand looked so bright. Through the thick and thin, we have been great allies with Pakistan. And from here on, our relations are just continuing to grow. If you have not already noticed, Amerika has declared Pakistan our Natural Enemy. If you are Dioist, hold on to your sand because we are not invading them. This is due part to some coordinated region swaps. Diplomacy never felt so good.

Bless your face. If you blinked during this article, bless you. Do vote and subscribe! HobbitTon out! Boop!

Best Regards,

Congressman, Arkansas
~Your friendly neighborhood hobbit.~