Day 2,226, 22:48 Published in USA USA by Hale26

You know that it would be untrue
You know that I would be a liar
If I was to say to you
Girl, we couldn't get much higher


My fellow eAmericans,

Tis a chilly Congressional season, isn’t it? I hope you all are out enjoying your Holidays with family, friends or those in need. The message I bring is not nearly as important as our wonderful, holiday season. Neverless, it is not one I deliver lightly.

I need ☆ YOUR ☆ help in supporting a wonderfully warm beacon of vigilance in this cold, cold season. The beacon of warmth and other firey amenities I ask of you to support, is none other than;



We’re at it again, folks. We The People is fielding a series of most excellent Congress candidates for another thrilling session of Congress. Last month alone we accomplished a great deal, even if hindered by some of the worst Congressional bickering all year. WTP quickly procured a spot in the Congressional Leadership for this term with dmjohnston. Through him We The People greatly assisted the Speaker with calling votes, doing roll calls, tallying results; Keeping it all running. Facilitating the Democratic Process, so to speak.

Staying true to our nature, our representative acted as one of ☆ THE ☆ sole voices of reason against a good-intentioned yet ill-stepped Speaker of The House. We encouraged debate threads stay open, made known that the unsightly modding of Congressmen’s posts must end and that these people must voice their views in a mature way.

Despite all the bickering and political manouvering, it was a most productive session. We got the Irish Weapon’s Deal, The Triparty NAP and gave out a Congress Citizen’s Award. May I add that a We The People-er, Disco Mussolini, stayed true to WTP tradition in relighting the debate around that award with a New Proposal. This WTPer resurrected debate and brought the bill into its modern usage. Good on you, Nebraska Representative.

WE THE PEOPLE is known for our Stellar Track Record, month in and month out. Our E.F.F.O.R.T.S are unparalleled and our ability to get shit done is one of the best in the Country. There’s a reason we’re the Opposition,
In conclusion,

We The People did awesome, has done awesome and will continue to do awesome. We are the ONLY party that has such a proven track record of effort, of fearlessness and experience.

So, America. You got some choices.

Want to elect people cause they’re “NEW AND EDGY" ?



Do you want to elect the only effective, fearless and proven Leadership By the people, For the people?

The choice is clear;

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ VOTE ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ WE THE PEOPLE FOR CONGRESS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Do ☆ YOU ☆ wanna light your FIRE?


We The People would like to thank all our supporters, party members or not, for being with us in this very tight Christmas Election. The results were...

Coming back from a 4th place finish last month, we just barely clinched the #3 spot from the AMP. We'd like to congratulate all NINE congressmen we were able to elect, an increase of 2 from the month prior. We're sure that they will continue WTP's trackrecord of proven, effective and fearless leadership for the people.

Truly, this result is an inspiring show of faith from eAmerica and from our party itself. A mere 30 days ago WeThePeople had its worst finish in months, no true leadership to speak of and a dangerously apathetic party membership. Importantly, elections began being won by those who felt they "deserved" them. Because they were a CP, SoD, SoE...etc, they "deserved" to be in Congress. Because they were 30 days old and had a shiny avatar, they "deserved" the title.

Now, things have changed. We The People has defied the norm of "entitled" congress, now running on what we got done, not what titles we held. Our base is much more involved, our leadership is the best in months and our capacity to get work done for ☆ YOU ☆ is good as ever.

We're back, We The People nation. And with full faith I can say, we're not leaving anytime soon.


New WeThePeople Congressman