I want to be Elected...

Day 2,217, 08:41 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone
:adjusting tin hat:
:touching mike to cause a squelching noise:
Elected ~Alice Cooper
Could I get a Hooker up here, please?

Once upon a time during one of my brief incarnations I belonged to the American Military Party (AMP), once I even tried to join the Federalist (FEDS) under fingerguns regime; however -thinking I was a neophyte- they wanted nothing to do with me or my beliefs. At other times I have been a Bastard of Liberty and the founder of the America First Party, which reached it’s zenith upon creation with a total of one member; me.

The AMP somewhere along the line forgot what they were, a party who represented the military and not a politician; they simply became the status quo. The FEDS rejected me when I applied to their forum, not realizing that by doing so they only proved that they sought to silence all who opposed them; even their slogan shows that all they care about is showing their ePeen to the world. However you can’t expect an easy lay to be proud of their lack of strong character, only horny and ready for a price; Proud and Horny should have been Pride and Honor.

These are only a few of the reasons that I have chosen to be a part of We The People (WTP), even our party name tells new citizens that we accept and encourage all citizens of eRepublik; we accept and encourage even those who think on the fringes of sanity and wear Tin Hats to ward off those who would control us. We support a strong military consisting of powerful directed damage delivering PRIVATE Military Units such as Easy Company, just a look at the Top 5 in damage and kills weekly will prove to you that Government Supported MUs do not work; their Commune pay and Supply deliveries being the lowest in the game.

The 7 6 Congressional Laws of eRepublik

New citizen fee
Change the amount of money new citizens will receive from the treasury as start up money. Can not be lower than five (5) units of local currency.

Seems eRepublik has lost a law. Although this law is still in the Wiki it is no longer live.

Country donations
Transfer money or gold from the country's treasury to an organization. During the twenty-four hour voting period the proposed currency due for donation is "frozen" and rendered unusable.

Issue money
Take gold from the treasury and replace it as money. Includes paying a transaction tax of which is deducted at a rate of 0.005 gold per 1 unit of money.

Natural enemy
Members of congress or president can propose neighboring country as their natural enemy. If agreed, a free war will be started with the natural enemy. The prosing country citizens will get +10% bonus while fighting against their natural enemy.

Change taxes
Note: Can not be lower than 1% and higher than 99% (for Import Tax or VAT), or 50% (for Income Tax). Raw materials have no VAT.

Minimum wage
Change the minimum employee salary given by companies. Can not be lower than 0.10 units of local currency.

President Impeachment
Remove the President and replace him with whichever previous presidential candidate received the second-highest vote score. Requires 66% of Congress votes to be passed.

Above are the only 6 Laws which directly affect eRepublik citizens in game. Currently there is a [Discussion] eUS Congressional Citizenship Award - Kemal Ergenekon going on in Congress, this after Congress spent some time first passing a ‘law’ establishing the ‘Congressional Citizens Award’; none of which has anything to do with America and everything to do with ego. Personally this is not an Award I wish to receive, not from a Congress which debates inane laws they will later refuse to enforce; laws which have nothing to do at all with eRepublik.

The proof of this lies in the Congressional Citizen Award - Posthumous thread which was Trash Canned when I requested a discussion concerning awarding some past heroes, without so much as one response; in fact without even allowing it to be seen by citizens reading the Public Congressional Proceedings forum.

It is therefore my belief that the WTP as a voting bloc, after helping to establishing quorum; should vote nay or abstain on any discussion that does not concern one of the above laws as a waste of Congressional time. Such discussions and laws simply distract from the fact that none of the 'laws' enacted by Congress have any affect eRepublik in anyway nor IMO ‘will they ever be fairly’ enforced by Congress.

It is also my belief that the WTP as a voting bloc in Congress should also seek to establish an apolitical American Military Academy to help any ‘baby boom’ new citizens, using Bank Up 2 Strengthen Up, along with the recent Department of Education announcement of the American University Relaunch and any of the current USAF MUs as building blocks.

The citizens currently connected with this triumvirate of programs would simply continue their fine work, the American Government chips in the current USAF monthly budget toward this project; the Secretary of Defense becomes Commandant of the Academy (CoA) to which the above Triumvirate of Citizens (ToC) reports.

The New Citizen letter is then used to simply direct newborn citizens to the American Military Academy, where they will receive military training based on Easy Company’s Military Fitness Academy, such training has worked for the best Private Military Unit in America -it will work for all of America.

'What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Strength and honor.'
Maximus Decimus Meridius