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Just the tired ramblings of a world weary traveler.

But always the proud owner of the Sexy Lizard Dance.

[PotUS] Day 2745 Mission Accomplished

6 Day 2,745 ,21:32 刊登在 USA USA 戰略分析 戰略分析

My Fellow Americans and Esteemed Friends,

A short message for you tonight.

Thank you, America, for
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[Trekk4CP] Day 2744 One more time

57 Day 2,744 ,14:31 刊登在 USA USA 政論剖析 政論剖析

My fellow Americans and esteemed friends,

First and foremost I want to thank you for making the last two months great. Together we have made my time as CP a wonderful experience. I thank everyone who has supported me in the last couple months.

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[PotUS] Day 2741 Weddings, Wars, and Dictatorship

53 Day 2,741 ,16:32 刊登在 USA USA 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Greetings my fellow Americans and esteemed friends,

The past week has been both trying and wonderful. On one end of the spectrum the country has had a unsanctioned revolution, leaving the executive and legislative branches to pick up the pieces.

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[PotUS] Day 2734 Revolution

5 Day 2,734 ,11:15 刊登在 USA USA 政論剖析 政論剖析

My fellow Americans,

Today I have a brief statement for you.

As of late last night, our country has come under attack. Not from some outside invading force, but from one of our own.

A Revolution has been started to topple the government

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[PotUS] Day 2733 Election Day Marching Orders!

37 Day 2,733 ,11:01 刊登在 USA USA 政論剖析 政論剖析

Hello Americans.

Today I am bringing you a short update the Party President Elections. If you have not yet voted, I urge you to move to USWP and vote Animis for Party President. The … 更多 »