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Just the tired ramblings of a world weary traveler.

But always the proud owner of the Sexy Lizard Dance.

[Trekker4CP] Flowers on May Day

17 Day 2,719 ,15:21 刊登在 USA USA 政論剖析 政論剖析

Happy May Day, you beautiful people.

Here in the United States the wonder of this celebratory day has slowly been lost on the last … 更多 »

[PotUS] Battle of Papua, War with Indonesia, and the American Spirit.

33 Day 2,715 ,19:43 刊登在 USA USA 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

And so begins the USA battle with Indonesia.

A Natural Enemy decree has been sanctioned by the United … 更多 »

Once more unto the breach

25 Day 2,714 ,01:52 刊登在 USA USA 政論剖析 政論剖析

Greetings Americans and treasured friends,

For the past 20 days I have held the office of the President of the United States. In this time I have learned much and tried to serve the people to the best of my ability. To this end, I have decided to

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[PotUS] Day 2712. A summary of the fun things

23 Day 2,712 ,23:25 刊登在 USA USA 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Greetings Americans and friends,

Day 2711 brought me two things that I wish to share with you all. Firstly, in the taking on Ryanggang, I have reached a personal achievement that I have long sought. For the first time in my eHistory I have won a

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[PotUS] Las Villas and North Korea

15 Day 2,710 ,13:55 刊登在 USA USA 軍令訊息 軍令訊息

Greetings my fellow Americans and foreign friends,

Quick update here.

The USA is releasing Las Villas today. So feel free to collect your Freedom Fighter medal credits there.

We have set a Natural Enemy against North Korea and will have

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