The Federalist Press [day 2284]

Day 2,284, 16:30 Published in USA USA by Trekker Tlumac

Greetings everyone! So yeah, I officially dislike the groundhog. I am not sure whether or not he supposedly saw his shadow this year, either way I am angry at him. If he predicted the end of winter, he is a lying little rodent. If he predicted more winter, he is clearly a sadist and loves to inflict torment on all us unsuspecting victims. I say this, because in the past two and a half weeks since the predictions were made I have seen a stupidly ridiculous amount of snow! More days than not that we have had some snow. And close to three feet this month alone. I cannot even get my car into the driveway anymore with doing a 5 point turn. The snow banks run shoulder high on me all the way up the street and are as wide as my car is long. So watch your back groundhog, watch your back! I am fixing to make me some stew…

Oh yeah, it is Trekker Tlumac and the staff of Fed Media bringing you another week of news, via official Fed Party newspaper:

The Federalist Press.

State of the Fed

As projected, Blondeninja won the Fed Party Presidency. She is in her first week of rule and spirits are high for the Fed Party this month. Great things are coming for the Fed Party. This month is yet another step in that direction. Blondeninja will continue to lead in that direction, as have the past Fed Party Presidents. And I (Trekker) am not just saying that because she made me her number 2 and allowed me to keep my Media post, I honestly believe in her ability to lead.

So as you may or may not remember from last week, we (at Fed Press) ran some basic pointers on how to sign up for congress. This was a preemptive movement to be sure that everyone that wanted to go was signed up in the proper manner. We (the Fed Party) are proud to announce we have had a great response for congressional signups this month and our fearless blonde leader has produced a list for the congressional delegation that the Feds intend to send. Party President Blondeninja wrote a wonderful article that lists 20 candidates the party has lined up. In it, she stresses her goals for this congress and you can read all about it below.

Read full article here.

Well with the congress lists set, it is now time to get everyone to vote. Remember, congressional elections are on the 25th of every month. So get out there and vote Fed! Get your eFriends to vote Fed! Get your eSisters, eBrothers, eGrandmothers to vote Fed! Get out there and fly your Fed Flag high and vote us into congress! The more of your than vote the more people we get to send to congress! Let us do the voting up like pokemon and catch them all!

Here at the Fed Party, we are always trying to find ways to engage more people. It is one of our missions to have the best party in the eWorld. And we try to make that happen.

As of late party leadership has been discussing the expansion and direction of the party. Every party does this (or at least should be doing this). Avoiding the stagnation, that can come to any party, is crucial to continued success. So topics of discussion have centered along that. Also, congressional elections are coming next Tuesday and Fed leadership wants to grab as many votes as possible.
Of course the best idea is to do both things in one fell swoop. But the question of how remained.

A Fed visionary, eliwood_sain, approached me with a great idea:  We promote a political writing contest!

So here is the dealio. We want all Feds to write articles in their own newspapers about getting out and voting Fed. There will be prizes for the best articles. The contest runs from now until game reset Tuesday night/ Wednesday morning.

In order to qualify for prizes, you must include a link to the forum, a link to my (Trekker's) newspaper, and a link to the Blondeninja’s congressional delegation announcement. And you must post the link in the forum thread for the contest. For a list of prizes and other details please see the in forum announcement. Happy writing.

Did you know the Feds have their own radio show? It comes on weekly. Here is Eliwood Sain with more:

Fed Radio chugs along for the start of its 6th month in broadcasting this Monday at 1800 eRep time.  Join hosts eliwood_sain and dk3dknight as well as their call-in guests as they talk to various party members about their work and involvement in the party as well as the party itself.  You can call in as well at (347)-989-8972 and go on air, or by clicking the skype button on that week's show's page.  New callers are always welcome.  Listen in this Monday for a fun new show LIVE!

Update provided by eliwood_sain

Link to the latest episode below:

And here is the link to this coming Monday's episode:

So, I'm one of the newest members of FedEx. I'm sure some of you don't know what that is.

So, what is FedEx? We send out the mail to our Fed party friends! We inform you of what is going on, recent developments, and how to get involved!

Want to join the team?

It's simple! Message IndexInfinity! We are a small group of dedicated players. What better place to start out getting into politics than this?

By Devill, Fed Media Staff

Fed Lucky Lotto takes place on the forum every Friday. Lots of chances to win, and it is free! Check it out.

Lucky Lotto!

Looking for a job within the feds? There are plenty available!

For instance, in the Recruitment and Retention department they are always looking for new volunteers to help out. Anyone interested in helping out should contact Darkapollo52 at the following in game profile.


Here in the Media department we are also looking for help. Always want new people to come in and write for us. All skill levels accepted. All lengths of articles accepted. Pretty much just need to show up and want to write. If interested contact me (Trekker Tlumac) at the link provide😛

Trekker Tlumac

Fedex is also always looking for help. It is a great place to start. The commitment to the job is minimal and it is a stepping stone to further activity. Those interested in Fedex can contact the director IndexInifinity at the following link:


Not interested in any of those jobs? Or just want to help out wherever you may be needed? We got you covered. Fill out this form and we will put you in touch would someone right away.

Click here, so we may brand you. Not really, just will give us an idea what you want to do.


Are you hungry? Are you in need of big guns? Well the No Fed Left Behind program will give you food and tanks. Since its inception, the program has given tanks and fed over 1000 orders for hungry Feds.

If you are a Fed and are hungry or need protection, the name of the program says it all.

No Fed Left Behind form

For those of you that are new to the Feds or even just Fed-curious, we welcome you to come find out more about us. The Fed forums are a great place to start. There are games, news and discussions constantly being discussed. It is a great place to get know about your party members better. You can also join us on the IRC party chat, which is another great way to get to know your fellow feds.

On Rizon at #fedpartychat, or

Not sure what to post about? Not ready to join up in eRep or ePolitical banter? Well we have just the place for you to start. Start posting in the Fun Zone and work your way in the other discussions.

State of SHIELD

SHIELD is the Federalist Parties most P/H Military Unit to date! How do we continue this level of awesomeness you may ask? With the help of soldiers and would be soldiers like you! SHIELD is currently recruiting anyone and everyone that would like to be a member of an elite fraternity of brothers and sisters. You will be supplied daily with Tanks and Food to fight the good fight for the USA. You will be motivated, you will be determined, you will be flogged, and you will have fun crushing the enemies of our glorious nation. Players of all manner of experience have a place in this Unit, whether it be as a HAMMER member or SWORD airborne soldier. The HAMMER program is designed to help new and upcoming players build their strength up before being unleashed into other Divisions while SWORD is an elite group of commandos whose sole purpose is to infiltrate enemy territory and participate in Resistance Wars and Uprising around the globe! So if you or someone you know is interested in standing beside us, united as one, be sure to join by clicking here... SHIELDs UP!

Mourning Star

State of the country

Party President elections happened. Did you miss it? Well, that's okay, we had some badass mofos ensure that the PTO failed by ensuring Evry with a nice new political party that is not owned by some Servian. Thanks IndexInfinity and company!

Josh Frost handed out buku bucks for votes. I hope you took advantage. If you didn't then forget I said anything.

Well, Tyler B has vacated the seat and in turn passed the torch on to our new Federalist Party President Blondeninja. What should we expect from this? How about another 30 days of ***king awesome! For more Party President news check out this brilliant article from David Wilson: Well, if your short attention span made it this far just be rest assured the political tussle is far from over since Congressional elections are coming up and this time around the Feds are gonna grow a few further seats and penetrate deeper  into the legislative branch. We're in it to hit it, not quit it. o/

Update by WookyJack, Fed Media Staff

Speaking of congressional Elections, DylanBAS has an update on the public events of congress from last week.

Quorum was set to 19 after a sign in of 39. This was abnormally low due really to the random flukes that happen from time to time.

We voted to join the alliance of Sirius, a large foreign affairs move that will almost certainly lead to a climax in the near future. This alliance includes the USA, Poland, Spain, Turkey, Great Britain, and Croatia. It is opposed by Asteria, which is composed of Serbia, Romania, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia, and Argentina.

Congress created a new program called the Operation Retread Program(ORP) which seeks to help old players dismantle their accounts, create new accounts, be given large amounts of gold to upgrade their training grounds, and grow as players with huge amounts of strength. However, the new division changes have rendered this program much more complicated to manage and therefore needing more discussion.

The budget was amended to allocate funds to this new program, amounting to 80,000 USD per month. This will more than cover the costs of buying gold and hiring staff to file new members, along with getting the program started.

Again on this note, Molly Emma resigned from the speaker position in order to take control of the ORP program, Delyruin has taken her place. This is because the bill forbade the Speaker from being the leader of the ORP program      

A new “New Citizens Message” was created to reflect the Merger of Flight Training and the Air Force. This merger was made to consolidate the now obsolete flight training program.

The Military informed congress that it was conducting research into how to best utilize the new division changes and accommodate the shifting of damage proportions in our divisions. This is currently being worked on.

An embargo was proposed on Canada in retaliation to their own embargo. It is currently still under forum vote. It is a hotly contested issue with some saying that it is irrelevant, some saying it is harmful, and other saying it is helpful and appropriate. The vote is EXTREMELY close.

Update by DylanBAS, Fed Media Staff

In national news the hunt for the next Country President is heating up, with several candidates having already announced intentions to run. The next Country president Election is still about 2 weeks away, but it is definitely going to be an interesting cycle. The Feds are proud to have their very own Tyler Bubblar seeking the big seat. He has started Q&A threads in various parties to levy for support. His candidacy announcement went up last night and it is a great read.

In it he discusses his motivations, qualifications, and intentions for running. He certainly has the credentials to make the run. And as our most recent ex-PP, many of the Feds are greatly enthusiastic about his decision to run. To read his article please click HERE.

Alexander_Auctoritas has written up as great article breaking down some of the details about the two new alliances (Sirius and Asteria) building steam. It is an informative read and it is encouraged that everyone that wants to understand this new development better to give it a read. Check it out HERE. There will be more on this subject in the coming weeks. We also are happy to welcome Alexander to the Fed Staff.

I believe Barry White said it best, "Let's Get It On!" And if you're a Fed then you made some sweet love this Valentine's Day. Also, this past week you probably saw a lot of 'Cupid's Revenge' and achievements all over the place. Did you try to complete the missions? If you did then you spent a lot. I did. $13. The prize was pretty damn underwhelming. Two small bombs and +200 energy for 7 days. Oh, and a decoration. My ePeen grew just now. Did you feel it move?

Anyways, the mission was an overall success in my opinion. It reinvigorated the boring achievements that are normally there on the left hand side of your screen. Being relatively new since returning to the game its been quite a fun ride. And if you're an extreme OCD person like I am then you clicked and clicked and clicked to get those ****ing achievements. People may criticize the hell out of Plato, but the dude is a helluva marketing strategist for current members. Yes, with the recent release of new Divisions newbies might as well let the door hit them on the ass on the way out.

So for all you sons of guns that have bf's and gf's I hope you did the right thing and kept it Proud and Horny this Valentine's Day. You don't have to lie to me I'm sure Palmela Anderson is very nice this time of the year. But if you do it treat yourself with some mac and cheese, aiight?!

By WookyJack, Fed Media Staff

So did you notice the other day that you went from totally awesome in D1 to bottom rung? Or that you were once in D4 and suddenly are in D2? Well that is because Plato has decided to change things around on us. There are plenty of articles that detail this subject. And a lot people are griping about the changes. That is understandable. D1 extends all the way to level 34 now. 34 used to be only 3 levels short of D4.

In case you have not read about it yet, or just want to hear my view, it falls to this:

Division 1 will be dominated by those players that were formerly mid-tier Division 3, with former Division 1 and 2 fighters found helpless. Division 2 will largely be occupied by former Division 4 players, with the last two levels of former Division 3 on the low end.  Division 3 and Division 4 will consist entirely of former Division 4 fighters, except in smaller numbers for each. It is the players from the former Division 4 that benefit from this move. It breaks the tanks of the game into smaller groupings, which means less competition on the battle field.

For me personally (Trekker), it does not change much. I was level 69 (giggity) when the changes went into play and I hit level 70 the first day of the new changes. As a weaker Division 4 fighter (36K) I actually benefit from this change as much as any of the people who were in the old Division 4. Less competition is less competition. The new Divisions do not make anyone stronger, so I am not comparatively weaker than I was before. I am fighting against basically the same tanks I was before, just less of them. So I really do not expect to notice a change.

Here is some literature on the subject:
by unbuntu21
by Endritt Zekka
by Derphoof

State of my Gold

Puppies Ho! (hehehe, that never gets old)

So this will be the last week for Stat of my Gold for a while. There is no contest this week. I am only stating the winner. Thank you all for playing over the last few weeks. I will try to bring the gold back at a later date. But for now it is not economically viable. I have a staff to pay and such. I hope you guys will understand…

The winner of my gold from last week is: SenoritaLaura! Congrats on winning my gold and thanks for playing!

State of the Staff

Well this week we have two new staffers to introduce you to, Osmoza Jones and Trickstir. I am looking forward to working with both of them to make Fed Media the best it can be.

Some people say that words can’t say enough, and acts are needed more, I think words are very important, especially in eRepublik, you can win or lose a chair in congress, a prestigious place in a military unit, or favour from a friend, it all comes down to what you say. I try the best trough my writing, and hopefully you’ll like it and want to read more of it. I consider myself a strong person, and I try to reflect that in this game, I like to help people and give them advice about how to approach people, how to communicate with them, it’s so important! People oftenly lose sight of what it really matters, but I want to bring that back, I want bring a new season to this game, and with your help and cooperation I’m sure we will make this world better.

As a citizen of USA, a member of Federalist Party and part of the S.H.I.E.L.D military unit, I’ll always, and I say, always speak the truth. With my strong character and knowledge about people and communication I’ll try to create a better world, where we can live well and with pride that we are american citizens. Till next time, be smart, be funny, love everyone, and enjoy this amazing game.

Osmoza Jones, Fed Media staff

Well well well, the time comes in every man’s life where he must stretch his comfort zone and take on a challenge. I was sitting around the last 6 months staring at my computer wondering what was missing. I did a little soul searching and realized that what was missing was that I had lost touch with meta-me, the person that exists for the soul purpose to provide my entertainment and give me an opportunity to meet people.

Some of you may play this game for reasons that I would never understand. Me I travel constantly for work this game allows me to make friends which I can discuss life with, hardships with and enjoy the occasional laugh with. I can unplug you all and pack you in a computer bag and when I am 1200 miles from my family I can open the computer and meet back up with you. When I first started playing erep I met many people. These people taught me a little about the game, and a lot about how to get through life. In the past months while I have not been meta-gaming I have been gaming in RL and now I return to the game and meet back up with friends I note that some of them are no longer with us in the eWorld. Others have moved to other areas of the world.

I will be writing a lot over the next few months for both my own paper Fear The Beard, which will be filled with philosophy and satire as I sometimes need a place to release my thoughts before my head implodes. I will also be writing for my friend Trekker and The Federalist Press.

I guess before I start doing all this and trying to claim to inform you of information I should let you know about myself. During my time playing this game I have managed to become a valued member of EZC which kept my inactive self around until I passed away the other day. I have been re accepted into their fold and move forward providing protection in the form of battling for the eUS. I was a Regiment Captain in EZC prior to taking my leave. I was also a member of the Federalist Party and an intricate part in party security for some time prior to my leaving. I begun party jumping while still holding Federalist Positions, and fighting to protect the great country for both foreign invaders militarily and politically. It was with great sadness that I stepped aside to take on some real world challenges a mere six months ago. I am glad to be back and happy to start moving forward with my friends and making new friends.

Link to Feard The Beard, My personal press...

If you are looking to meet the writer of this Article I can be found at #FedPartyChat on IRC!
Don’t forget Friends, All we need is a little feeling, and a lot of typing.


-Trickstir , Proud and Horny Since I found myself.

State of my Mind

Lots of real life going on, lots of eLife going on; none of it is necessarily bad, though some of it is definitely leaning that way. But when I find myself in times of trouble the Good Rasta Marley comes to me, singing words of wisdom, let it be…. Of course Marley does not sing Let It Be. But he does have some powerful music that always makes me feel better. Listening to Three Little Birds a couples times and I am good. It is simply impossible to listen to Roots Reggae and not be happy, or at least determined to make things be better, by the time you are done. If you are not happy after listening to Reggae, you did not listen to enough Reggae. (Come one Mouring Star, back me up on this one! Reggae rocks! Metaphorically, of course.)

Well that is all for this week. Thank you for joining us here at the Fed Media Team on our quest for a more perfect paper. See you next week. Be on the lookout for changes coming to Fed Media.

Best regards,

Trekker Tlumac and the rest of the Media Staff.

A simple truth about all the writers I know, myself included.

This is diabolical.

Do not usually go for the half naked woman pics, but I found this one tasteful and an excellent representation of Harley Quinn's mind.

FPR is UP!