[TB 4 CP] An Introduction

Day 2,283, 20:15 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

Prior to the beginning of this Presidential term I wrote an article endorsing WildOwl for a second term as CP, and announcing my intention to seek that office in March. The field for this race is already beginning to take shape. With Gnilraps announcing his run it's apparent that campaign season is upon us. With that in mind, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself and begin to make my case for why I should be your next President.

ATO bit of erep history on myself. I joined eRepublik in the summer of 2009. This was during WW3, Harrison Richardson was president at the time. I played through early 2010, I made my exit while Jewitt was president. During that time I was in the now defunct AAP, I served a few terms in Congress out of Louisiana, but really wasn't that involved in the meta part of the game.

In April of 2013, I received an email about a gold mine. Out of curiosity I logged in. Shortly after returning an article by Frost prompted the decision to join the Federalist Party. Since then I've worked my way up the ranks. In the last ten months I've been Party President 3 times, served 6 terms in Congress, been SecMed once, Secretary of Homeland Security 3 times, served as the Fed Whip 5 times, served as SHIELD XO, and am currently serving as Secretary of State and Chief of Staff. There's been a few other jobs mixed in, but those are the highlights. That's my resume, but not who I am.

eRepublik is an amazing game in that you can rise as far as you want. All it takes is a little hard work, competence, and in my opinion loyalty. I feel that in my own erep career hard work, and dedication have helped me rise far in a relatively short amount of time. You really can write your own ticket. Especially now when the pool of motivated players has become so shallow. It's this shallow pool in the community that I'd like to really focus on as President.

While it's true the current situation allows for faster and further advancement within the community than ever before, it also presents many problems. As Party President much of my time was spent trying to get and keep the members active, motivated, and engaged. The efforts my cabinet and I put in have met with some success, but that fight will go on. This is a problem we as a nation are experiencing as a whole. The cry for new blood is ever present.

Very often candidates for the office of President campaign on community building. Very rarely do we see an appreciable increase in community activity. Jump starting a sagging community has been my bread and butter. Our greatest problem is retention. Countless people create accounts and quickly tire of erep. The reason is simple, at face value this game is subpar. This is further exacerbated by Plato. Almost every update done seems to just make things worse. A good example is the recent Division realignment. D3 tanks are now ripping up D1. Under the old system the steepest jump was from D3 to D4. A player could rush through D1 and even D2 to some extent, but still have a chance to throttle back and grow stronger to make an impact in D3. That is no longer the case D2 will now be comprised of what was upper D3 and low level D4.

Finding, helping, and guiding new players is now more important than ever. It will take a very long time for a newb to now make an impact on the battlefield. We must help them find something else to keep their interest. That something is the meta game we've around and behind the game. Another source of depth is existing 2 clickers. My time as DHS Secretary and Fed PP have taught me that directly messaging and offering of incentives can work miracles in spurring activity. This is something that the Departments of Education and Interior will be making use of under a Tyler Bubblar Administration. I will be releasing more articles over the next several weeks, outlining my platform further, releasing a cabinet, and more campaigning. Until then......