[SFPOM] A Cooperative Manifesto

Day 4,545, 20:23 Published in USA USA by Max Tse Tung


A Cooperative Manifesto

In this edition I will be discussing concepts that I employ when playing eRepublik and the methods by which I live my e-Life. I’ll discuss my Goals, e-Ideology, and some SFP History (pre/post-2017).


1. SFP
2. e-Ideology
3. Cooperatives and Cooperative Federations


The SFP (Socialist Freedom Party) is one of the oldest parties in eUSA. It has been a bastion for Socialists, Communists, and Anarchists for over a decade. Starting from just a handful of names it grew into a party with over 100 members over the course of 8 years. -firmly establishing itself as a Top 5 Party to the present day- Even after multiple PTO attempts the SFP has remained apart of the larger whole of the fort that is eUSA, It has at times even gone rogue, started a dictatorship, and left Forum-Politics - breaking with convention - It has been a hotbed for dissenters and reformers alike and has spawned epic statesmen, economic powerhouses, and Guerrilla Warriors of every kind and shade.

In the SFP, power has been decentralized (to an extent) via the norms and conventions used to operate the party; as in accordance with the constitution. In my series “A Maxwellian Interpretation of the SFP Constitution” I outlined some of the reasons why I oppose constitutionalism, (not in any extraordinary detail) But did agree to the functionality laid out by it’s author RF Williams and as established over the years through norms and conventions.

Our constitution calls for a revolutionary body. (A Revolutionary Committee)

(This idea comes from Maoist China when the CCP decided to allow students and workers groups to seize power during the Cultural Revolution. (1966 - 1976) - Forming Committees, they reshaped localities and gained power.)

This body is the decision-making apparatus of the party. There are eleven voting members, and as many non-voting members as desired by the party and Chairman of the committee. (Party President) Each member has one vote and any member of the party can propose a motion, program, or action for the committee to take. A Group message is opened where votes are held.

Four members are appointed by the chairman and six are voted in through an election held at the end of the term. (The four appointees are to be the chairman's cabinet.)

Our constitution calls for the Party President to be the Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee.

The chairman must abide by our constitution or risk being declared a PTO threat by a vote of the Revolutionary Committee. He has access to buttons and a long list of norms and conventions for the use of them as well as a guideline laid out by the SFP Constitution.

Our constitution calls for a Congress.

Congressional elections are held on the SFP Forum. Each voter has five votes and can’t vote for themself. Congressmen discuss legislation in a Group Message and on the eUSA forum.

Our constitution calls for Internationalism.

Many Socialist parties across eRepublik maintain an International body called the eInternationale. (This idea comes from the Comintern and the First, Second, and fourth International. That advocated world communism and socialism and the social, economic, and political progression toward them.

In eRepublik, the eInternationale has participants from around the globe who gather together every few months to establish new goals and to work toward furthering the organization and its constituent communities. The SFP has two delegates and is a founding community. The eInternationale has a Forum and a Group Message for each convention held.


I don’t describe myself as an eAnarchist or an eCommunist in eRepublik. Mostly because I don’t think it can be achieved fully due to the Game Mechanics and because of the hyper-capitalization, fear, and abandonment of the late game that incentivizes the developer not to improve it. Also it isn’t that hard for somebody to create proxy-servers or to use VPN software to totally disrupt whatever efforts that would be made to move toward such a system. These players subvert democracy and create empires with their accounts and completely unbalance the game for players who have one account, one vote, and one bar of energy to expend.

I describe myself as a Market Socialist. I advocate for cooperation among Producers using the marketplace. (Producers are players who Work As a Manager each day and sell their products.)

These Producers, in my view, should band together and form organizations in which they donate some of their income in return for lump sums of funds from the money pooled. These funds would be spent on Companies, Supplies, and Gold for Upgrades, and would be sent as the result of a vote of the affiliated Producers.

My agenda is pretty clear:

-I advocate for Producers to form Cooperatives based on Voluntary Exchanges, Donations, and Democracy as laid out in my Proposal. “[SFPOM] Proposal: SFP Cooperative

-I advocate for eUS Congress to help fund the creation of such organizations with initial injections of funds for those who wish to start one.

-I advocate for eUS Congress to develop a National Cooperative (NC) and or a National Cooperative Federation. (NCF)

-I advocate that Parties who form the eInternationale should create their own Cooperatives.

-I advocate for the eInternationale to create the International Cooperative Federation (ICF) as laid out in my proposal: “[SFPOM] eInternationale Cooperative Federation Proposal

-I advocate for low taxes and am against dictatorships.

-I advocate for equal representation in congress, SCI, and in Cabinets for every Top 5 political party.

-I advocate for a social movement away from the use of forums and toward more current means of communication. (Telegram, Party Feeds, Group Messages, Discord, etc)

-I advocate the mass banning of proxy server users, multi farmers, scammers, doxxers, etc.

-I advocate for Inter-Party Coalitions in congress and during CP elections.

-I advocate for lively and controversial media from the government, parties, and individuals.

These ideas are the bulk of my e-Ideology and I do what I can, within limits, to implement them and to move toward making these goals a political and social reality.

Cooperatives and Cooperative Federations

This section will be a guide for creating your own Cooperative and an explanation for how it works. At the end I will explain the different types that can be run, and will end with an explanation of Cooperative Federations.

Cooperative: A body of Worker-Owners, or Producers, or Commune-Owners who pool CC and Gold in an Org, or with an elected treasurer so that it may be democratically allocated through a vote for the expansion of the affiliated members companies.

In order to start a Producer Cooperative you will need at least 5 to 10 Producers. Once you’ve got a group of like minded players together in a Group Message, you can then create a unique set of By-Laws outlining the functionality of your groups Cooperative. I suggest modelling this off of my already existing set of bylaws laid out in: “[SFPOM] Proposal: SFP Cooperative” Once you’ve got an acceptable set of bylaws you will then need to hold a vote in your Cooperatives Group Message to ratify them. Once ratified, you will need to elect a treasurer or ask your government if you can use an org as a treasury. Once you have your cooperative treasurer elected from amongst the producers of the cooperative, or an org to use, the producers of the cooperative can begin sending in a portion of their daily income from the market to the org or treasurer each day.

I suggest finding a couple private donors, or saving up some CC, or having each producer buy into the organization so that you have a large pool of funding to start with and to grow.

Your goal will be to ensure that any funds given out to producers from the treasury through a vote are made back over the course of a day or two so that your cooperative treasury is growing or remains at a stable number.

(For example if your cooperative has a pool of 500,000 CC it would be unwise to vote to fund a producer who is asking for 250,000 cc every other day for Q4 WRM companies if you only have 5 members who can only afford to send in 2,000 CC everyday, each. Your treasury will run out of money.)

The proper way to do this is to: make sure that the daily income in the treasury can make up for the funding the producers receive, over the course of a few days. This will allow you to sustain the cooperative and allow the cooperative to fund a producer every few days.

Generally, you want to have a couple affluent Producers because they can afford to give more to the treasury and thus will shorten the time it takes for the treasury to build back up.

Keep in mind that during an event the time needed to build the treasury back up after funding will shorten because producers will be making more CC due to the demand increase and can thus afford to donate more CC to the treasury. When an event ends the time needed to build up the treasury will increase because demand will decrease and thus producers will donate less CC.

Congratulations you have created a Producer Cooperative.

Cooperative Types:

Producer Cooperatives: A body of Producers who pool some of their income from the market and democratically allocate it among themselves.


Communal Cooperatives: A body of Commune Owners who pool some of their income from the market and democratically allocate it among themselves and their workers.

National Cooperatives: A Cooperative created and sometimes funded by an eGovernment as a national program in which a body of Producers or Commune Owners pool some of their income from the market and democratically allocate it among themselves and or their workers.

Worker Cooperatives: A Body of Workers and their Managers who pool some of their daily income from the market and democratically allocate it among themselves.

Cooperative Federations:

Cooperative Federations (CFs): Cooperative Federations are when a group of Cooperatives join together to pool funds for a common cause; using another Treasurer elected from a body of each Cooperatives Producers or using a shared org. Each Producer would be a delegate in their Cooperatives Delegation to retain the individual autonomy of each affiliated Cooperative.

(Some examples of a common cause may be: Providing extra benefits for their combined Producers such as Weapons or Food each day, supporting a Program in an allied nation, the creation of an MU, supporting international socialism ;p , etc)

National Cooperative Federations (NCFs): National Cooperative Federations are Cooperative Federations in which material support is given by the Government. The Government can inject funds into this as a means of growing the number of Companies in the economy, Stimulus for affiliated Producers, or use it as a new way to fund National Programs.

(The common cause of these organizations will tend to be government related such as acquiring a means of funding for the government or for funding a government program.)


In late eRepublik there are no updates to the political module of the game and as such there are only two models for government in the game mechanics. An e-Republic or an e-Dictatorship. In an e-Republic there is a congress made up of delegations of different parties and an Executive branch made up of the Country President and his cabinet members. In an e-Dictatorship all of the power of voting on laws is transferred from congress to the Dictator and the ability of the Country President to control war is transferred as well.

Some e-Nations venture beyond conventional game mechanics into what's referred to as the meta-game, in which new roles, constitutions, new forms of governance, forums, discords, telegrams, and extra security features can be created. The nature of the meta-game is e-Nation-specific and some e-Nations have no meta-game at all.

In eUSA, government is conducted on the eUSA Forums and elections take place in-game. (besides the speaker of the house election and some party elections.)

I personally am against the use of eUSA Forum, especially in its current form. It could be replaced with a discord server or the government could be run in-game through the National feed, or in Group Messages. Even the eUS Constitution could survive the transition even though I would largely object to it.

~Secretary General Wilhelm Rontgen~