Амбијент укључен/искључен

Congressmen-Please read! Info about Defense Systems and Hospitals

6 Дан 379, 08:50 Објављено у USA USA

I've made a spread sheet which lists the resources for each state. It lists the hospitals, defense system, resources and borders for each region. I've left a column blank for priority. Please use this list when deciding what states should get a

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Ohio Congressional Update- Week 1

6 Дан 378, 19:25 Објављено у USA USA

As Congresswoman from Ohio, it is my duty to inform you, the citizens of Ohio what has been going on in Congress.

First, though, to everyone out there that can afford it, I encourage you to start up a Q1 or Q2 food company. With the food crisis,

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In the end, justice is served. Ohio, I promise to serve you well!

10 Дан 373, 07:53 Објављено у USA USA

The admins have finally spoken and corrected the bug which gave GoBucks the Congressional seat. I had more xp at the end of election day which should have but me over the top.

I'd like to apologize to all those who thought I went over the top in

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I'd like to issue an appology to GoBucks but tyranny shall not prevail.

11 Дан 372, 04:30 Објављено у USA USA

The "Cooldudes" have been banned for multiaccounting and were not linked to GoBucks. I'd like to say I'm sorry for assuming he was him. But, I also want to mention that without their votes, I would have won the congressional seat. I've contacted the

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GoBucks Cheated. A tale of multiple accounts.

17 Дан 371, 20:06 Објављено у USA USA

Throughout the day, I've been receiving several threatening messages from users named CooldudePhil and CooldudeDan. In this I will post all the messages I've received which range from name calling, gold scamming, as well as several suspicious shouts.

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