Амбијент укључен/искључен

Voting Record- NJ- Friday edition- Week 1

3 Дан 465, 11:14 Објављено у USA USA

In an effort to keep my constituents informed, I promised a weekly voting record published every Friday for the state of New Jersey. I also want to inform the public that I have been nominated for Speaker of the House. The vote will likely happen

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Thank you, New Jersey

3 Дан 464, 06:16 Објављено у USA USA

I want to thank NJ for giving me their vote of confidence yesterday. I promise to serve you in Congress to the best of my ability. I also want to thank NewYorker138 for an excellent, clean race. I learned a lot about my opponent via PM this election

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New Jersey, lend me your ears

12 Дан 455, 08:52 Објављено у USA USA

I come here today, humbling asking for your vote to Congress on February 25th.

I am a Federalist running under the AAP ticket. I’d like to thank the AAP and Ian John Locke IV for the opportunity to run.

I’m a former Congresswoman, last elected

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Do justice for your country, America. Vote Alby for President.

10 Дан 443, 06:19 Објављено у USA USA

There is only one person in this country with the financial knowledge to pull us out of this crisis--- that man is Alby.

Are you sick and tired of the same old people running America? Vote for Alby.
Are you tired of being raped in taxes? Vote

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Do the right thing- Practice your right not to vote

10 Дан 442, 17:14 Објављено у USA USA

I’m going to get right to the point. The admins are tyrannical and don’t believe in true democracy. They’re trying to base this game on the US system of government where the major parties rule and if you’re a minor party, you can’t advance.


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