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[RO version inside] 10things you didn't know about the 8years promo

62 Day 2,922, 03:27 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

1) Plato worked tremendously hard to get the servers uptodate. CornelB is the only other person in the entire community that had to work more to keep stuff running.

2) Plato

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"Winner takes it all" explicat

25 Day 2,835, 00:08 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

E simplu.

Ciu-ciu medalii daca dai la pierzatori.
Ciu-ciu 2xPP in epicele de antrenament (99% din lupte).
Obligat-fortat faci 1750PP, altfel ramai pielea...nasului.

Ah, si daca totusi termini in primii 5, iti dam gold sa ti-i bagi

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Intalnire eREP la Constanta - New Pizzico, sambata, 19.30!

17 Day 2,752, 23:25 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hallo hallo!

Ne-adunam din nou, de peste mari si tari...
Si cum au inflorit copaceii, imediat s-anunta prezenta 'ca pe vremuri' la Constanta. Avem deci pe:

- belzebut cel crunt
- Ivana Ika
- PMihai
- soaresol si j.s.t.
- googoodoll

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*eBaby Bucket* Challenge TheImmortalOne + erep meet la CT!

27 Day 2,618, 06:56 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment


N-am mai scris de ceva vreme...
Dar pentru CA COlegii se iau de mine si ma pun sa-mi caut clonele (nu am 🙁 ), s-a ivit momentul...

Drept urmare, titillica a vrut sa-mi dea

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Intalnire eRepublik la CONSTANTA - 2august 2014

29 Day 2,446, 01:22 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

La peste 4ani de la ultimul articol... same topic, (pretty much the) same people:

FreeGigi cu menirea de a-l aduce si pe Didei

D-aici e randul vostru. Cine vrea sa ne-auda palavrageala acompaniat de niste beri

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