Saturn Reference 第五十二期:EDEN首脑会议概要

Day 1,565, 04:31 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Saturn Reference-土星参考

全文翻译自E希腊期刊The Voice of EDEN文章《[EDEN] Summit's summary
Dear Friends and Allies,

Tonight we held an emergency summit of EDEN on request of Romania CP with just one topic in the agenda. Discussion and resolution of problems arising from the conflict between Bulgaria and Turkey.

Many things were discussed - regarding the recent events, taken and unnecessary moves, negotiations and possible outcomes. Based on recent events: hostile actions of Bulgaria against EDEN’s trial member (meaning, against EDEN as whole), not obeying EDEN’s Treaty and it’s policy about leaking information, unfruitful negotiations, which resulted in the instability of the alliance - a vote was held within the summit and the following decisions were made:

Turkey is no more trial member of EDEN and they will not renew membership until their conflict with Bulgaria is over. This does not apply to any mpp restriction and cooperation.

Bulgaria's privileges are temporarily suspended - such as voting right, paying fee, summit attendance and representatives in HQ, until further progress in Turkey issue or in Bulgaria itself.

At the same time when EDEN will see progress in resolving problems between two countries these decisions will be reviewed at the summit and the CPs of EDEN will decide.

EDEN HQ expresses deep regret for the steps that had to be taken and hopes that this decision will make both countries to start negotiations with concrete results. Both countries should demonstrate that they are willing to cooperate, they will defend EDEN brotherhood and respect each other and each country of EDEN.

We hope that soon will be able to revise this decision and that both countries will have the opportunity to show the meaning of word “Alliance” to the whole eWorld.

With kind regards, EDEN HQ

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