Saturn Reference 第四十七期:埃及在美国

Day 1,560, 08:20 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Saturn Reference-土星参考

全文翻译自E埃及期刊Watch The World Burn文章《Appropriate Action
Appropriate Action


I've been gone for two days because of real life affairs, because of my timing an issue that I hoped to address before my trip has remained unaddressed for two days. The following is not necessarily the opinion of the Egyptian government, or even the whole Foreign Affairs department, but of a concerned member of eEgypt who happens to be MoFA.

Main Article

Over the past two days we have seen AhmedAE fire up his hilarious ONE propaganda train once again. He has posted two articles in the past few days one published ONE battle priorities and the other a personal article about his allegiance to Macedonia. This in normal circumstances would of course make sense as Egypt was forced to accept that their is no probability of sustainable neutrality and the allies we will need to defeat Greece and gain freedom is only attainable with our continued association with ONE powers (explained much more elegantly and thoroughly here)

However AhmedAE's situation is not a normal one because of the citizenship he holds. AhmedAE has eUSA citizenship due to a bit of negotiating and dealing with eUSA immigration during our legitimate attempt at neutrality. AhmedAE was given the citizenship with the full knowledge that he would serve as a commune for our Military Units and the hope that those MU's would be a neutral force as that was the direction Egypt was training.

When Egypt joined back into the Pro-ONE camp I knew AhmedAE's citizenship would create an interesting problem. I will not lie, I figured as long as AhmedAE kept his head down and wrote simple articles on Egypt's plight without being so blatantly pro-ONE the eUSA could play dumb and eEgypt could benefit from a commune with excellent resource bonuses. However, after AhmedAE published his articles I believe the balance of the situation changes.

While we are not forced to, in fact eUSA hasn't even contacted eEgypt about the articles, I believe it is our duty as a nation with some sense of honor to provide for a change in citizenship for AhmedAE. The eUSA has been one of the few powers to give us a fair shake at neutrality, and multiple times to, and as they welcomed AhmedAE in with the hope that the communes won't be used against their allies I believe we should live up to that expectation. eUSA provided a good economy for nearly two months while AhmedAE was able to hand out food and weapons for newbies to train, but now we need to show a sign of our gratitude by leaving as we have become not a potential ally but an unfortunate enemy.

Got some thoughts on the matter? I'd love to hear yall's opinions (and im sure AhmedAE will as well). Leave a comment, and no damn flame wars yah hear me?

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