PKeM Election Result - Youth

Day 1,328, 08:35 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by JUJAI23

you might have voted in the forum after you read this
- [PKeM] choose your leader

those candidate was the one who nominate himself after read this
- want some position in PKeM

so the moral is READ the news MORON!!!

here i present to you the important people in PKeM.


- Iskandar Shah
the first person being voted.. what a transformation there.. he receive 6 vote. highest

- encikBelon
slightly behind Iskandar shah.. he receive 5 votes. its ok for a youngster i think.. keep up the good work.. we here at PKeM love you.

- NoTrusT
three vote for him, he will have a bright future. don't stop working lads..

that the youth committee for this month..

latest new about Supreme Leader position

- kyouharu - 5
- Monkeyboom Yau - 4
- JUJAI23 - 5
- RX 0 Unicorn Gundam - 3
- nicholas2000 - 3
- Ishikawa182004 - 1
- - Hurpy McDerperson - 2

vote hard baby....

latest update on Vice President
the poll is held at secret place

dominate the poll with about 80% of the vote belong to him..

- kyouharu
still have chance to win the position.. has to wake up his supporter.. as the deputy Minister of Defense, and former vice president of Malaysia, i don't think he has a problem to deal with that..

the official result will come soon... wait for me honey..