[PKeM] Choose Your Leader!!!!!!

Day 1,326, 07:56 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by JUJAI23

may be you have read this article. And I think all eMalaysia people ever heard about this ONE

here is your candidate for those position.

Youth Council

- Iskandar Shah
- Haziq Rahim
- encikBelon
- NoTrusT
- MonfereBlogspot

Supreme Leader

just like before, but now you have to choose so that we can fulfill eMalaysian dreams.. Monkeyboom Yau got the wildcard ticket to the supreme list because of his effort and his desire to be a great politician.. here are the list...

- Monkeyboom Yau
- Hurpy McDerperson
- kyouharu
- Ishikawa182004
- RX 0 Unicorn Gundam
- nicholas2000

Vice President

on vice president position, we will elect only two people to fill in these position. however, there must have a competition in our election.. so here are the nominates for the VICE PRESIDENT position.

- kyouharu
- Hurpy McDerperson

Party Chairman

this position is not open to public nomination.. but this is a position that will be seated by the most respected person in our party and he is the one has become the PKeM party president about more than 5 times... here it is, one and only, mr Video Jack

the link is removed and you can find it at PKeM section in the forum..
