eUnited Kingdom Gains Peace With eIreland

Day 1,587, 02:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

Peace with the eUnited Kingdom and eIreland? Is this some kind of joke? Apparently it is not. It was first announced in a newspaper article by Talon Karrde, the eUK president, 8 hours ago. Since then it has also popped up in two eIreland newspapers. But what does this mean for the eUnited Kingdom?

Why Peace Treaty Now?
As the Irish MoD said, "Time to stop useless war and take resources which we both need". This will mean that the eUK will hopefully stop fighting with eIreland and restore some calm in the area. However, as you may notice by looking at the map, eIreland has many regions already and will be taking in a lot of resource bonus. So why would they sign a peace treaty with the eUK? I have had to think about this, there were several factors to include.
Maybe eIreland would be leaving EDEN, since ONE is slowly becoming more powerful this would seem to be the right choice. However it was announced by the Irish MoD that "Ireland will remain an EDEN member despite the position we have been put in". As far as I know, the eUK will not plan on leaving ONE either so they signed a peace treaty whilst their two alliances are fighting each other in a war. This may not seem to be a wise choice for some reasons, mainly it might cause arguments within ONE and also within EDEN.
Secondly, they are fighting against another country, known as eSweden. eSweden are currently their Natural Enemy. So this could mean that they would have to draw their attention away from the eUnited Kingdom. This would have been a very good plan. Although, the eRussia is also fighting against eSweden. So with eSweden putting a lot of firepower into their battles with Russia, this may make it possible for eIreland to defend the regions that they currently own.
But then I realised that the eUnited Kingdom was going to get a Congress today. What does this mean? The eUnited Kingdom will be able to pull 4 million GBP out of the treasury to fight against eIreland. With 4 million funding behind them, they could easily take back most regions from eIreland, so the eUnited Kingdom could focus attention onto eCanada, or maybe getting eFrance to leave the country as they focus attention in Europe.
What a time to sign a peace treaty as well, just before the eUnited Kingdom can vote on it inside their Congress.

What's Going To Happen Now?
The eUnited Kingdom is going to stop fighting against the eIreland. But first, there must be a region swap. This is what eIreland president said, "Ireland will be staying in Northern Ireland and Scotland. We will conclude land swaps to make this happen after congress elections". This means that the eUnited Kingdom will swap some regions with eIreland. According to their president, eIreland will be taking Northern Ireland off of the eUnited Kingdom, while the eIreland also keeps Scotland, as well as the whole of Ireland. In return, the eUnited Kingdom will receive the North West of England, whilst keeping London. However, since this is only a peace treaty, it is unlikely that the eUnited Kingdom is going to receive any help from eIreland when trying to retrieve the rest of the country from eCanada and eFrance. However, as relationships progress, maybe there might be some help coming from eIreland in the future...
- eIreland Presidential Update
- eIreland MoD Article
- eUnited Kingdom President
Extra Notes
- I am running for Congress in London today, so if you want me to write more articles, keep me motivated by voting CheetahCurtis today.
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This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 25th of March 2012. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.