[TheDeputyCP] Meatballs Burgers Badgers Indigestion

Day 3,216, 11:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Deputy Prime Minister

Hello Nation,

Ever get that feeling people are out to get you? More of that in a moment.

There are a few things to keep you abreast (boobs) of but being the impatient sod that I am we’re not moving fast enough.

America Hates Us

It’s true. Well some of them anyway.

Yesterday we noticed a Natural Enemy proposal put forward by their Dictator/CP Oriki Tikki Tavi this has now passed and we anticipate entry from the West shortly.

Now I did have a go at some diplomacy but I fear manners are not within this young man's skill set. He has not even replied.

He’s also having a bit of a brag about it here and appears to have difficulty getting up in the morning. It’s not a bad article but I’d like to think ours have a bit more to them.
Please keep an eye on the MOD articles for order updates and cross all limbs. We’re in for a bit of a dust up.

Sweden Are Still Here

Like my mother at Christmas they are beginning to outstay their welcome. All we can do at present is fight smart and follow orders.

Now I did have a go at peacefully ending this war with a poem but again I was spurned. Even good poetry is no defense against teenagers pressing buttons.


Onto more important stuff now.

Our Ministry of Stacking Badgers has prepared and published it’s article and it’s a thing of beauty. I urge all citizens who feel down and troubled to click here and cheer up. More to come on that I’m sure.

Complaints and Other Things

In the comments section of my previous article Sir Jimmy Saville pointed out that people moaned about E.S.O putting their branding in Government papers. Apparently there’s an unwritten rule somewhere in Woldy’s socks. With this in mind I have included the above image.

We need more people to get involved with this government. We are not very good at asking people out so if you fancy us and want to work with us LET US KNOW.

That is it for today, I think.



P.s. Any expert military strategists out there with a very large credit limit?